
End of the Semester

It's been a long couple of months, school is going well still but I'm dead. I've been working my ass off with homework. Ground out the last couple of my exams and I'm waiting on my grades to return back to me. This morning, I was groggy and had a rough night's sleep. I had to call my father and he told me he would be stopping by this afternoon to check up on me and see how things were going. I told him on the phone school was going smoothly and that not much was happening either. Although, he kept asking me questions about Katherine, like if she's one to "get around," I hated when my father did that. I would never date anyone who, "gets around," anyways. Just shows how much my dad is involved in my life. Never has been, never seem he will be. Hopefully, he regrets that one day and actually starts acting like a dad. That's how I know my life will be complete. Beggars can't be choosers.

A solid four months have passed since my senior year started. I don't know why it's going by so fast. Maybe I'm starting to feel, "old," for once. I went out to see Katherine for lunch, we went to Joey's Bistro for deli sandwiches. I always get one thing when I go there, the chicken bacon ranch melt, fries, and a soda to drink. I'm a monster for soda, as for Katherine, she gets a BLT toasted with medium water. What a sweetheart she is. Katherine has undoubtedly taken over my subconscious and consciousness while we are together or separate. Her dating me has given me a sense of belonging. A reason to wake up each and every day. She has several siblings all younger. Those two younger siblings have become great ways for both of us to keep a conversation going and also bounce off each other with jokes and nostalgic memories of our past. While we were at the deli we had a nice conversation.

I took a large bite of my sandwich.

"You enjoying yourself, Alex?"

I laughed,

"You know I'd kill for these sandwiches. Best place in town, by far."

Katherine took a more reserved bite from hers, a small drip of mayo hanging on to the corner of her mouth,

"I'm lucky to have you with me, Alex, you always treat me well and are funny. Everyone at school is supporting our relationship."

I looked up while taking a bite, I had no idea where this came from. It's been a long time since we've had a conversation start-up like this. The only time that really happened was when we were first starting off our relationship.

"I couldn't say it more perfectly. Things seem to be setting in place and I'm finally feeling good for once."

"Exactly, school is going well. Your friends seem to be on good terms with you and my family enjoys your company."

Again, I don't know why she's telling me this. It's starting to feel awkward since I'm getting showered down with compliments.

"Well, Katherine, we have always had a good time and you've helped me quite a bit yourself. I can finally rest at night somewhat consistently."

This was the first time I really felt like I was in love, love is something that you can't even describe. Katherine has become the reason I wake up. The reason I breathe. I used to wake up like any other day. Fights with my mother were common in my household. Cops were called on my house several times while I was growing up, for no reason. My mom was dramatic, petty, and one-sided. My father was the "pretend" father. Only intervening when my mom told him to. From this life though, I learned to love the people who share the same morals as me. Katherine was the first person who showed me how much value she held. And that was what made my feet float off the ground and could make me fly. I never want to lose this woman. Our conversations were great. Our humor was very similar and our tastes in music were essentially the same. I would do anything for her. And it seemed the same vice versa. I felt lucky to have someone in my life for once where we could share anything at all times with each other. It gave me a sense of purpose. Katherine had her own demons too. I was fortunate enough for her to share them with me. When someone tells you how they feel about life, other people, and the world they live in. It takes a lot of trust and effort.

New York City was filled with people like it always has been. Hover cars and bikes were driving around. The hums of the motors and the sounds of laughter and people chatting across time square were everywhere. Local businesses have their flashing logos outside their shops. Things in New York have changed a lot in the last 200 years. About 100 years ago New York City became one of the cleanest and most advanced cities in the United States after a total takeover from china. There is no democracy anymore, only prosperity and work to be done. I've learned that in history books. In the past, people were afraid of China invading the US. After one small mistake by the US, China was able to take over the country in only a few months. Things actually aren't so bad under communism. There are still groups to this day that support patriotism but are snuffed out by police and have mostly gone underground with their opinions. Patriots are somewhat like gang members now. You can find them on occasion smoking outside bars or in alleys making deals with whoever has the best "goods." These types of guys run riots around the streets and find weapons to attempt to overthrow local businesses. Which you'd think would be somewhat effective for their cause. Unfortunately for them, they have taken one step forward and seven steps back. There are wanted posters that are shown on various monitors throughout the city. The biggest of them all is "Abe Lincoln." He's known for killing several communist party members that are housed within the urban area. As well as several others that bought houses in the surrounding suburbs.

Katherine and I decided to head separate ways after grabbing some dinner at my favorite steak house, "Richards Steak and Grille." Had myself a beautiful filet mignon with truffle butter and sweet potato fries. Yes, I'm rich. I eat like a king, deal with it. I walked back home, and when I stepped inside the condo I decided to watch some TV. I don't normally turn on the news but today I got a little curious.

One female reporter came on,

"This just in, inside the solar system on Mars. A new CORE has been discovered. Authorities have been sent out to find said individuals and put them to justice. A small female who became chosen was found out to have invisibility powers as well as mind control. Hours after her supernatural abilities were discovered, thousands of casualties broke out of the central town of Mirdon. More on that tonight at 9."

I took a deep breath. This CORE seemed like a publicity stunt, a planet capable of "choosing" someone to be its "CORE" is just weird. Having invisibility would be cool, though. I grabbed some candy from the counter. Chocolate-filled creams. My favorite candy ever made. Hard outer shell and creamy inside. I'm starting to sound like an advertisement, I would definitely do a commercial for that candy. Hell, I may even call my father about it just for shits and giggles. I finished with the news and walked back up to my room. Quickly said goodnight to William and laid in my bed. As I was closing my eyes, both eyelids shot open.

"Oh, Shit! No school tomorrow! YES!"