Chapter 3

That was how I met Luna. Since then, two-semester had passed but my friendship with her just going stronger. It wasn't only her actually. I got closer with Luna's friends as well after she had introduced me to her friends. Things were starting to get really awkward when I found out who was exactly Luna and her friends were. I had always known that she wasn't an ordinary person when she saved me from the bullies but I just didn't expect that she was far more than that.

Luna and her friends had to be the most influential people at the university. Their respective family were very successful, making them the icons of the business world. I didn't have anything against Luna and her friends being the wealthiest people at the university. It just, I couldn't help but felt smaller whenever I was with her. That was why I tried to avoid her after knowing the truth but she thought it was absurd and the disappointment on her face, whenever she tried to run away from her, made me felt guilty. Luna was my saviour after all. If it wasn't because of her endless support, I might have dropped out of the university. To repay her, I tried to do everything I could but it was hard, considering that she already had everything. The least I could do is be with her whenever she needed me.

No matter how hard I have been thinking, I couldn't find a reason why Luna wanted me as her friend. I was nothing special. There was nothing attractive about me. I was just simply an ordinary girl with no charm at all. Also, we were not the same age. She was two years older than me. So, I have always wondered why Luna wanted to befriend someone like me? I had never found the answer to the question.

As time passed by, I just considered myself lucky. Of course, our friendship didn't receive well from the others at the university. The disgust, the anger and the loath on their faces whenever they spotted me around them was too impossible to ignore. From their point of view, a poor scholarship student like me didn't deserve to befriend Luna and the others. I was deemed as an eyesore that ruined their reputation. They didn't go to the length of harassing me or anything. I just got a small prank from my classmates, nothing that could hurt me physically or emotionally. And I was aware that they didn't dare to do anything to me because of Luna. She has always trying to protect me and I would be always grateful and indebted to her.

"Can you stop making that ugly face? You stressed me out, Olivia".

I was snapped to reality when I heard Luna's annoying voice.

"I'm beautiful, hot and sexy. Ugly never exist in my dictionary".

A small chuckle escaped my lips at Olivia's sassy reply. Olivia Dixon wasn't making a good impression when I met her for the first time. How I wanted to when she has almost suffocated me to death with her bone-crushing hug? I didn't want to say she was weird but.. more like unique?

When I voiced out my opinion to Luna, she said, "Wait till you see her brother, Noah. She gets it from him". Don't get me wrong but I wasn't ready to meet with Olivia's brother yet.

"What's wrong?", I decided to ask her when I saw her sulky face.

"Nah, it's nothing. I just... Luke!!!", Olivia suddenly shouted, making me turned my head towards Luna after she couldn't stop coughing.

Olivia had always the random habit to shout out of nowhere. Neither me nor her best friend, Luna was used to it.

"You okay?", I asked, worried when Luna still coughing.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just wondering why this person is my best friend thousands of times", Luna sighed after that.

"Because you love me", Olivia replied without looking at Luna, her eyes were fixed on the entrance of the cafe.

Luna 'Euwwww' could be heard after that.

When I turned my head to look at Violet, as expected she had a small smile on her face. When our eyes met, we let out a small chuckle. Violet Wiley wasn't hyper or energetic like them. In my opinion, she was the only person that could stop Luna and Olivia's childish fight.

"Hi, Love"

Luna's face lit up after seeing her boyfriend, Asher Walker. Although she was a year older than him, both of them made the cutest couple that she had ever seen. To be honest, when the first time I met Asher, I thought he hated me. It just, his coldness made me think of him that way. As times passed by, I realized that he was a kind man but it didn't change the fact that I was so awkward with him.

"Luke, I miss you so much. Why are you late, today?", Olivia's pout instantly vanished when Luke kissed her on the lips.

I had already witnessed their love-dovey moment so many times than I could have ever imagined but I still couldn't get used to it. My red face was the proof.

"Chase is training the newcomers. He didn't let us go until all of them succeeded to get a three-pointer shoot. It is one hell of training. He is from hell. I doubt those poor kids want to play basketball again after this", Luke seemed dissatisfied with how his best friend trained the new kids.

"They deserve it. They are incompetent. I will not have a weakling in my team", Chase said with his usual non-sympathetic face after taking his seat.

You didn't want to mess up with Chase Scott. I literally thought that he was a part of a gang or something. He, being a basketball captain was a nightmare to the other members.

"Chase is right, they deserve it", as usual, James defended Chase.

James Harris was the number Chase's supporter. No one had the slightest clue why he was so fond of Chase but the mystery solved when he confessed that he respected Chase so much.

"You shouldn't be so harsh with the kids. They're new, after all", Nicholas commented after sitting down next to his girlfriend, Violet.

Nicholas Xavier. Sound familiar? It was because he was the son of Chancellor Xavier. I was so freaked out when I knew about but he had always been so kind to me.

"Wait, where is Will?", Luna asked the boys.

William Anderson. I had almost forgotten about him. To be honest, William was the closest to her ideal type. He was the kindest man that she had ever know. He was forgetful and clumsy but that what made him so adorable in my eyes.

"You don't need to ask about that man. You know where he is", Nicholas said with a kind smile on his face.

"I guess he is in the library, watching over that girl, huh", Olivia said fascinatingly.

"He needs to man up and confess his love. He is making me frustrated", Chase added, seemed irritated over the matter.

"Leave Will alone, guys. He comes whenever he wants to. You know how he is", Nicholas said to all of them.

As I was looking at Luna, I couldn't help but smile gratefully. I didn't know what would happen if she didn't come to my rescue on that day. I could stay in WPU with laughter filled her day because of her. I was forever indebted to her.