

One month later…

“No!” I said for the tenth time, but it fell on Lindy’s deaf ears. I did not understand why she wanted to do this, but I thought she would see where I was coming from; she wanted to go public. She thought we were strong enough to over throw the Malien government as a terrorist group. What she did not understand was we were outnumbered and powerless against them

“Why won’t you let us?! We are strong enough now than we were back then!” she exclaimed, throwing her new bionic arms up in the air showing she was getting annoyed, turns out that half of her body was robotic.

Her mother was a human doctor working for the Malien government, Lindy was born with crippled hands, so her mother basically cut off Lindy’s hands and replaced them with waterproof bionic hands.

I rubbed my temple feeling a headache coming by, I was getting fed up with her and her constant nagging, and I was close to burning her to a crisp. But, I knew I couldn’t do it.