Chapter 10: MIND IN MESS

Unknown identity’s P.O.V.

I haven't done anything since I stopped texting her until I received her message about her father.

Was she explaining herself to me, to prove that she doesn't have complications with her dad meaning she won't be complicated with men? What a fool? No, of course, she is not!

She is pure, innocent, sincere and thoughtful, maybe she fears I would insult her dad. Who am I to judge knowing her? Why is this girl always on my mind? I keep thinking about her a lot! Like since I wrote to her; How she broke the barrier with her telling me some of her life struggles, that I just forget that the reason of me talking to her was that girl that I pull the wool over my eyes to believe I love her.

I guess I only loved the attention given to her when she enters the room; the guys salivate when they see her amazing shape. I liked her physical outer. I never even asked her about her hobbies, her favourite book if she read one actually; she was pretty vain and empty when she talked to me. I liked feisty girls, smart ones, the one you won't ever feel bored while talking to them because of her wide knowledge; like knowing a lot of languages that make you impressed.

I wanted a wife to settle in with, that makes you satisfied, and enjoying every moment of my life till my death; that one that would bring up the best of me and make me a better person. I hope I find her one day? I have heard before that when you meet the person you will be with, you will just know..............guess that would be hard for me being the playboy I am!

So guess right now I should go to work on my new movie, well, I haven't told you I am an actor, model, and secret writer. Being famous is something weird because you don't quit the act and neither does the people around you. So, all the girls I met were models, perfect-shaped, artificial or you know plastic, wearing lots of makeup, and fancy clothes.

Actually that is the worst, to explain it clearly; you don't get to do normal stuff with them like: first of all, enjoy my convertible car without messing their hair. Secondly, eating food from the streets or in front of the ocean without focusing if there is paparazzi and how she looks in this so-called sudden photo, or even thirdly, being around a girl just because my fans love us together, or even to get more known by her fans to improve my career, and finally to sum that up, you don't get to live a love life with any of them, it's just a show.

Sometimes I miss being unknown, walking peacefully in the streets, without people surrounding me asking for autographs and interrupting my conversation with my girl huh? About that, by then I would choose her for her personality and I will be sure about her feelings for me, she'd be innocent, unlike this fancy world of celebrities.