Chapter 6

In the middle of that racket, while you and I are moving among dancers, I wish this piece is concluded with a dance for us together.


The narrator

" I forgot that file.. I'm going anyway, I'll give it to her"

He got out of the company and headed to the car: one hand on the wheel and the other was trying to call her for nothing as she didn’t answer.

She was with him a shoet time ago; why isn't she answering?

Many attempts were unsuccessful until the car reached the house. He came here after he knew that she wasn’t at work.

He pressed the button, after a couple of minutes, ayoung lady with a beautiful quiet face opened the door. He looked her up and down; a mysterious smile started to widen gradually on his face untilo it completely covered it.

" so it is as I heard and expected too"

San Hee heard him so she said frowning her eyebrows" who are you?"

" Hyun Ree, Oh Hyun Ree. Jeon Soo's friend at work"

She removed that frown and replaced it with a pure smile mixed with natural shyness.

" yes, I think I saw you before. I'm sorry but Jeon Soo isn't here, but you can wait for him inside" she said comfortably so he increased his smile that turned into a pejorative one.

"I'm not here to see him, but to see the lady of the house, Mrs Kim"

She squirmed; he noticed this easily from her clenched palm on the door. She was holding it causiously like a child opening the door for a stranger. She opened the door wide.

" come in, I'll tell her"

He bowed simply thankfully and got inside, with his eyes roaming the that house. Conclusions jump quickly to his mind with many explanations as well.

A wedding photo was the first thing he looked for but as expected it wasn't found. Sleep in a separate room for sure.

He knew Jeon Soo's girlfriend and he recognized her from the first sight, but this didn’t stop him from surprise that she lives here with them. Then he felt deep aversion towards him.

Jeon Soo is a very good and respectful person. How could he even do this? He didn’t expect such a behaviour from him!

He's angry about that girl's status now. He intended to look longer but a scream from upstairs made him jump upstairs untill he reached where it came from. He found San Hee trying to wake up Yeon Hee who was laying on the floor.

Panic was clear on her face.

He got her away from Yeon Hee and carried the latter on her bed with a perfume he took from San Hee in his hand.

" wake up, Yeon Hee. Yeon Hee wake up!" said firmly nearly screaming so she may wake up. His hand patted on her cheek strongly and sometimes softly.

Seconds until he felt her sniffing in a very low voice and she was shaking as if she wanted to wake up. She was holding onto anything. Other seconds passed for her to open her eyes, her bright eyes like moon. This is how Hyun Ree saw her. Like that, it was her eyes. Brightness noticed by no one but who goes deep inside them.

She tried to realize who is he, whose voice is this? In whose hug she is inside?

However, when she began to realize, she was afraid they might take her to a hospital, so she exclaimed tiredly while holding his shirt and hanging on his chest.

" No.."

Hyun Ree didn’t understand until he loweredhis face to get closer to her mouth, then he got what she was talking about. But he wondered how she said that even before she was completely awake?

However, he whispered in her ears reassuring her, so she may calm down and not to be traumatized.

" you're on your bed. Don’t worry, I won't take you to the hospital"

" Jeon Soo" was a word of broken letters came out of her pale lips. She heard a male voice and she felt it might be him. He heard her broken letters. He looked at her long while she was whinning between his arms, unaware about what was happening around her.

He didn’t tell her he was Hyun Ree.

He just let her live a delusion in her mind so she might calm down while she was in the arms of the one her heart and mind had pictured to her.

He removed his eyes off her and stared at that girl who was still watching paranoid as she was.

" May I have a glass of juice, please" she quickly nodded and rushed downtairs while he was trying to wake her up by all means.

San Hee came faster than he expected and passed him the glass.

He tried to make Yeon Hee sit straight in order to drink that juice. After his hard attempt, he made her sip a little.

He remaind stood confused. Stay with her or leave? Would Jeon Soo even take care of her or he would let that girl do?

He wants to stay by her side but how?

He made his final decision. He adjusted her clothes, one hand extended under her knees and the other was settled beneath her back in order to carry her with a flick of a wrist.

He made his way out of the palace while San Hee was following him yelling in wonder:" where are you taking her?"

Evil shined out of his eyes strongly and unexpectedly. She could sense it easily as he made her wince from the power of his looks.

" I'll take her anywhere to breath fresh air. Don’t tell Jeon Soo about what happened to her or that she was here in the first place" he said and turned around, but he stopped for a second to say ironically" I think he won't care to ask but I warn you"

He continued his way outside till he reached his car. He made her lie at the back on the couch and he quickly made his way.

His feeling at that moment was uncertain. He wanted to take her away from everything going. He could feel her soul scattered into small pieces scratching whoever came closer.

He saw in her eyes strength and sorrow at the same time. He saw weakness and love in her eyes. Love that appeared in her face when she danced with him at the ball.

He watched every move she made. She was between Jeon Soo's arms melting and shy. She can't hide her feeling when she's with him. She was between his arms just like this but the man differs from the one she loves.

Your soul is an open book. You try your best to hide its pages in order to scatter one by one on the leg of the person you love. As the one who is in love has to open that book.

He was looking at her through the mirror as she was still in irresistibe hibernation. Her body wanted to go away and he was more that welcome to achieve her wish gladly.

He was getting away, so faraway with his car with no plan, with no particular place until he came across the ocean. He slowly came closer by the car until he arrived.

He got out of the car and tried to get her out and wake her up for the second time. She slowly responded because of the cold breeze carresing her hot face, so she rose up.

Her hands made way for her to open her eyelids while she was still leaning against the car due to Hyun Ree's hands too. She was half awake. She finally opened her eyes fully to see what's around her. She was some where she still remembered.

Yeah, yeah, her room. But now, now..

" What's this? Where am I?" she said before her eyes fell on Hyun Ree's face and soon she screamed in terror causing him to shudder in horror.

" What are you doing here? Where am I, where?" she yelled so he made sure that she really regained her full consciousness.

A moment of silence when he tried to investigate all answers and facts from her eyes.

He waited for her to speak or justify why she didn’t want to go to the hospital. But instead, he saw looks of gratitude in her eyes that needn't to say thank you after them. As if, as if he really saved her from something great.

A minute passed, then two…

She was shy away from saying anything. She wanted to hide a lot so she asked her eyes to tell him what she did.

So he might understand or not.

This connection was cut off by a breeze closer to a strong wind that was backing more, so it made a veil of her hair on her eyes which told him to satisfy with what he got for now.

She turned her face away fro him. She collected her hair into a bonny tail with a fake tie which soon her hair flew again on her back. The high wind blew that her full face received. She closed her eyes and smiled!

He knew it when he saw the corner of her lips displaying a part of her smile. His mind pictured two things: she's either forgot about him or she's happy that she is with him. But he preferred not to talk and leave her like that as if she monologues hersoul and the sky.

She knew he was there but she preferred silence. She really wanted to ask him. Did he take her forcibly?

Did he take her in front of Jeon Soo and he did nothing?

Why did he came to her house in the first place?

Before she asked him anything, she wanted to say" thank you" she whispered as those eight letters flew with the wind and reached his ears.

" you're welcome"

" It's not just for waking me up but also thank you for bringing me here" she said smoothly as if she wass enumerating herv thoughts before the sea; arranging the letters in her mouth to his ears instead of writing.

" Have that blackouts been repeated more than once?" he asked but she remained silent.

She really wanted to lie but her mind and tongue refused any untrue saying coming out of her lips.

" yes, but I used to wake up while I'm still on my falling position. It's unusual"

She stated in a very normal voice as if she had a cold only. She was truly nervous due to what she'd said but her focus was on the ocean, just for not looking at Hyun Ree.

She didn't see the consternation looks shown in his eyes. He couldn’t control his temper.

Suddenly, she miraculously shuddered when she saw his strong fists holding her shoulders in order to look at him.

" Are you crazy? I swear you are. How could you speak about it normally? Why didn’t you go to the doctor?" he yelled. He had lost his temper while hearing what she said without concern. Is it possible she has a serious disease and illness intensifies over her everyday?

He looked at her strongly, not aware that his fists intensified while waiting for her explanation which he assumed even before she said it that it was stupid.

She read this in his eyes. She knew he wouldn't stop until he investigate the details. Therefore..

" I did went, don’t worry. I just don’t care about my food much, so.."

She thought that she'd persuaded him when his grip on her shoulders eased.

He let her go and turned to the other side, trying to control himself.

" Can you take me home?"

He turned to her in a heartbeat. His eyes shone in amazement. Didn’t she want to escape? Why would she comeback, why? He wasn’t able to say anything. What's his right to do so in the first place?

" W..well"

That's all he'd said before going to the car slowly waiting for her. She sat on the chair, so silence ruled. Dark silence.

He tried to find his fear-for-her whiny voice.

" I told that girl, San Hee not to tell Jeon Soo that you came home or anything happened to you. Did I do well or not?" she didn’t pause to think. She answered unnaturally quickly:" welldone, you did. Thanks" she exclaimed eagerly so his anguish for her increased.

It seems she fears Jeon Soo a lot. He tried to force his hand to press the car engine to drive to their destination, with a question remained hammering him mercilessly.

Who are you, girl?

What kind of life do you live?


Her hands were roaming all over her body, touching every piece of the cloth covering her body till it climbed the remaining parts of her bare body.

She was sensing the softness of that white cloth wrapped in an elegant gown. Its colar encircled her shoulders to reveal her neck, chest and part of her shoulders.

A woman who looks like a woman in everyone's eyes, but him.

It was a family gathering but the female family members have to look their best like the aristocratic antiquity.

She rose her hand to touch her neck and that diaond necklace with the very dark green stones. You hardly differnciate it from black. She opened the drawer to get out a lottle red box with her wedding diamond ring in it. It has to be present in such occasions.

The gown goes down softly and widely on her body and this high slit that shows her long white leg. She remained looking at herself and her long locks growing and growing till they reached below her waist, flying over her shoulders. Ruby red lipstick increases her lips size.

A gorgeous woman, but she looks at the mirror to see that she's the ugliest woman in the world. He's always mede her feel that way, everyone too. She wasn’t a self-care lover. Even she didn’t know jow she reached her current form.

She wore black heels that made noises while she decended to him. Each step getting her cloer to him, she wished she take it back. She was afraid to look in his eyes if he looked at them first.

Being closer to him made her feel that her body loses all its defence capabilities as every step cramps her.

She got to him and thought he heard her heels clicking throughout the house of silence. He even paid no heed. He was sitting and seemed he got dressed a while ago. Black shirt and a completely black suit with no tie.

The aura of power around him scared her. His fingers on the table seemed to play on a delusional piano, while those fingers held a glass od wine. He finished most of it; there was only a sip.

She knows he knew she was there. He won't look at her. He will not.

Before she uttered' I'm ready', he stood up suddenly which made her wince.

" Move to the car" he ordered and walked through the door. She followed him silently.

Once she got in the car, he moved. All this way without even looking at her. The way was long; it was long in a fearful way but pleasant at the same time.

Whenever they passed a dark road that nothing appear in, she turned her face to him, to be appeased with the glow of his bright eyes and the shadow of his face that appeared to her.

Whenever the light came across the streets they passed, she returned her face to the window as if she was looking at what's out there. Her hands gripping her white cloth in fear and anger at herseilf and her condition.

Time passed without speaking. Even his breath was inaudible.

They reached the family place at this huge ancient mansion. She got out of the car without waiting for him to come closer or hold her hand. That's why, she moved quickly to the mansion.

However, he grabbed her arm with his hand to get her closer and wrapped his arm around hers. For a treacherous moment, she felt safe in his hands. She felt safe around him like that.

Warmth in spite of cold.

She smiled before going together to the family gathering. They went inside and were showered with welcomes for the newest couple in the family. His family were nice after all, exactly like him if he stopped that role which didn’t suit him.

She sat on a comfortable seat to find that he left her and went towards his father, grandfather and some of the family youth.

She was like a child watching the fast moves of the old ones around her. She didn’t know what to do. She was a little embarrased and not used to them.

He didn’t look at her the whole time or even sat beside her. But his laughter widely with others brought back the warmth of the heart again.

She remained looking around with mixed feelings between embarrassment, aversion and willing to leave.

Her eyes fell on his brother and his wife who was at her last months of pregnancy. He was looking at her with love as if he owned the world with her. While she feels the world's distain for her.

Her eyes went between the married and dating couples in the family. What she lacks to make her feel that much of contempt? Is it hard to deal with her as a person with feelings? Why does she feel all this pain inside while seeing those around her? Why all these emotions? She wants to hug him. She wants to sit next to him and rest her head on his shoulder instead of that ravaged-by headache.

Their eyes were staring at her sometimes while she was sitting alone with her head down. Like a captive for herself.

For a moment, she felt the world spinning around her, so she quickly pulled back, without anyone noticed, to the kitchen to have a glass of waterin order to swallow that bitter medicine.

Her head remained on one of the kitchen's upper cabinets in order to balance out a little. Her hands were holding onto that medicine.

" Howlong, just howlong this torture will last?" she whispered to her head which insisted on destroying the rest of her body.

" Are you okay?" said a voice she knew but it wasn't the desired voice. She turned her face to meet his wide eyes. She tried to make good expressions on her face.

" yes, I'm fine Kyungsoo. Thanks"

" the why do you take this medicine?"

" nothing, it's just a sedative"

" Is it good for you? Did you consult a doctor? You know my job makes me worry a lot"

" Doctor Kyung, please don’t worry. I'm fine" she said with humor but wasn't artificial, because it's Kyungsoo; because he always makes her smile.

But she knew he could recognize the medicine if he looked at it and would know it was not an ordinary sedative. That's why, she tried to change th dialogue to hide that medicine quickly and said:" let's go, family is waiting for us outside".