" No one may know what pressure got into me during this period. I fell in love with you and I wished you'd love me back. I can't deny that I wished to escape away with you. Escaping with love from what exhausted my heart_ from a lot of things.
It hurts that I didn’t only suffer from the tiredness of my love to you. It was also how friends betrayal and family belittiling me made a fatal wound in my character. It was how much I look bad and messy to the degree that I made everyone arund me sick until they turned me into a meaningless monster that has no right to live this life.
My parents turned me into somebody who only makes mistakes. Many complaints, that were pressuring me, turned me into a person with no self-esteem.
If someone accused you that what happened to me was your fault_ if they knew what happened to me oneday_ tell them that they're all wrong. Everybody was involved in what happened to me.