" I remember the last time I saw a different human expression on my father's face was when his mother died. I was so young back then that I didn’t undersatand what is death. I saw people around me die; I don't know thwm or my bond with them wasn't that strong to make me grieve for them.
One day, I went to visit my grandma with my father and the place was so gloomy. I still feel downhearted on that day, though time passed over this memory.
I went inside to receive her death. I saw my father hiding his eyes and crying. I found tears running all down his face between his hands.
It was the first and the last time to see an expression on my father's face, and then, he guarded himself with heartedness.
I didn’t even realize what was death… until someone dear to my heart passed away. I thought I would never cry over losing someone but I did. Death is big, bigger than we could imagine. It is terrifying as hell".
The last page of Yeon Hee's Diaries