
Chapter 20

*Sandra POV*

i ran out of carriage or more accurately i ran away from Night.

I don't know why i kissed him but that was something i didn't even thought i would do.

may he was the first one who did something to make me laugh that's why i kissed him. but why did i kiss him?

Now he would tease me with that.

Aghhhhhh. you are such an idiot Sandra.

it was good 5 minutes of scolding myself when i remembered the clock

That Damn clock!

i left it in the carriage. Great Sandra!

i walked towards God knows where as i still don't know this place.

i was trying to find a way towards garage or stable if they have one. off course they have one. Night is a freaking king

"Are you looking for something my lady?"

i wasn't startled by the maid question as i had long sensed her presence.

"Yes i am looking for the carriage. i left something in there"

i replied

"My lady if its a clock then i believe the prince took it when he got off "

she said

What a bloody piece of a .....

i wanted to complete my sentence but something was avoiding me form calling him names.

i sighed and told the maid to took me to him.

"The Prince has gone to the palace for some official work"

my eyes sparkled. Great now i just need to check his stuff and shall found the clock

"Can you tell me where he keeps his stuff mostly"

i asked

"My Lady he keeps his stuff in study but...." before she could say anything else i thanked her and ran towards his study.

the maid stood there dumb foded

"But he had taken the clock with him"

she completed her sentence before sighing and going back to her work.




*Modern world*

Enola POV

John walked towards me as i kept my gaze low. form the aura he was radiating he looked pissed but i wasn't afarid. i was pissed too. he left me so he has no right to be angry

"Why didn't you return back to the room?" he asked grumpily

"Oh really John! you are asking HER why didn't she return to the room when you were the one who clearly left her without any guide?"

Bella spoke annoyed

"Shut up Bella. i am asking her"

"I thought i was suppose to stay out because someone clearly ignored the fact that i didn't knew this freaking castle"

I said truthfully making Bella burst out in laughter.

well did you expect me to keep quiet and just say the first line?

hell no! i don't give a fuck if he had a fight with his brother.

He shouldn't have left me there.

a person should never act on the basis of their emotions or feelings

Just think about it

if you feel like killing someone should you do it? regardless of what they do. (except for them trying to kill you off course)

John's expressions changed from angry to sad

"Girl....you are oh so direct i already love you" Bella said giggling.

"Sorry" he said to which i scoffed

"I really am" he again said

i rolled my eyes and got up trying to walk away but he held my hands and looked me pleading with his eyes.

"Please ask anything"

my eyes sparkled.

i was thinking of a way on how to go to Sandra's home and get that clock.

he can take me there

"well can you take me to San....i mean my home"

He gave a confused look.

"Sure!" he said .
