
Chapter 21

*Modern Time*

Enola POV

agreeing to my request John was taking me to Sandra's home in something that people of this world call cars.

Well it has no horse just a man called driver.

But that was the least bit of my importance or my interest.

My interest was all these tall and extravagant buildings and unbelievable surroundings.

how the hell did people of this era managed to make something like this.

From the corner of my eye i could feel John staring at me but i completely refuse to acknowledge him

Though this was a forced marriage his sudden hot and cold behavior hurt me.

It was really hard last night for me and i might forgive him but that doesn't mean i would forget it anytime soon.

He trying to hard to start a conversation but whenever he opened his mouth something stopped him.

finally i had some mercy on him and spoke

"say it! don't do whatever the hell you are doing"

To be honest i had already predicted that he was trying to apologize but couldn't find proper words and as i predicted

"I...i am sorry about last night. i shouldn't have let my emotions carry me away" he said

"Showing your emotions is natural being human but letting those emotions get to you and control your actions! that is where all chaos start"

i replied. if he is clever enough he would see that hidden meaning in those words.

He just stared ta me as if he was thinking of something.

I felt awkward him staring at me

"Stop staring at me!" I said not meeting his eyes.

"Then look at me!"

oh there no way in hell i was gonna look at him. my sharp mind who loves to over think every possibility has already thought of millions scenes of what would happen if i look at him and believe me.

50% of them ends with a kiss ...so hell NO!

before John could do anything the car stopped as the driver informed that we have arrived. i quickly got off the car or more like ran away from car to god knows where