
Chapter 24

*Ancient times*

Sandra POV

Did she saw us running all around?


"Ahh Auntie ummmm..." i tried to explain but what the fuck was i suppose to say

"Mother what brought you here?" Night said changing the topic

Oh Thanks Night! i owe you this one!

"I heard you were attacked by bandits and got hurt so i came to check on you but looks like you are pretty well"

She said in teasing way.

"Let's sit in the garden" Night suggested



*inside the garden*

Sandra, Night and his mother were sitting and the atmosphere was quiet.

so quiet that you could listen the insects in the grass

"So mother you came to see me?" Night said breaking the silence.

"Yes darling but seeing the little play moments ago reassured me that you are more than okay" she said looking at me with teasing eyes.

I smiled shyly.

hold my horses! why am i shy?

"Ummm Auntie i didn't gave you greetings properly before so let me now!" i said standing up and properly greeted her but she wasn't fazed about the fact i didn't greet her which was a clear disrespect in ancient era she rather was angry at me for calling her Auntie instead of mom.

i was dumb struck!

she wants me to call her what?

"ummm Aun...i mean mom!" i said as i couldn't figure out what else to say.

its like all my vocabulary faded away.

it was weird calling someone mom as i didn't had a mother growing up.

She smiled at me before turning to Night

"Night go fetch us tea"

She said

"I can tell the servant!" he said

"i meant go make tea and then bring it!"

Did she just told a prince to go make her tea?

She is his mother but still.....

Night pouted and i swear my heart skipped a beat and left

"How is your relation with him? is he treating you right?" i was startled by her suddenly questioning me.

"ummm yes aun...i mean Mom. he....is really nice" i replied uncomfortable

"I know he married you against your will but please just give him a chance" She pleaded

i was again lost of words. why the hell am i so blank today?

"Ummm sure.." i replied

She sighed before speaking

"Enola darling i know it was rumored that you liked his elder brother but rumors are just rumors after all?"

oh so he asked about his elder brother on wedding night. well since Enola is already married and i doesn't know who ever his elder brother is sooo

"No mom. i don't like his elder brother" i replied making her smile wildly

after a few minutes of chatting about random things. i told her how he loves to tease and annoy me to which she spoke

"Don't worry dear! if he treats you bad just tell me i shall whoop his ass"

before i could reply Night spoke

"You don't need to because she herself will do that" and walked towards us with a tray with tea.

"That would be more fantastic" Night mother said

"Mom! is she your child or me?" night said in a childish tone

"you both are my children" She replied making me smile

we sat down and enjoyed tea for a while when nights mother spoke

"you do know he was the one behind the bandits"