
Chapter 23

*ancient time*

Sandra POV

It's been exactly an hour of me finding one damn clock!

i looked everywhere. in draws, cabinets even under the tables but i can't find it. either i have buttons instead of eyes or Night haven't put the clock here.

but if he haven't put it here then where?

think Sandy! think!!

Maybe in our room?

Did i just say OUR ROOM? disgusting!

i quickly went to HIS room and started looking around but still found nothing.

"What are you looking for?"

i was startled by a very familiar voice. i turned on my heels and gasped

his clothes were drenched in blood!

i was pulled towards him by an invisible force but i didn't care.

"How did this happen?" i intended to ask that calmly but somehow my voice betrayed me and came out shaky annd worried

"Some bandits!" He replied

i glared at him.

Did he really think i am dumb?

"What kind of bandits attack a prince in the broad day light who is guarded by a dozen soldiers?" I yelled

His eyes changed from serious to playful

"is my wife worried about me?" he asked teasingly

"How can you joke in such state?" i said and pulled him towards the bed.

i asked a maid to bring some bandages, alcohol, water and also some sugar because i don't know any medicines here.

i started to take his shirt off to which he held my hand and said in a playful manner

" you in such a hurry! can't you see your husband is injured"

i was pissed....no i was beyond pissed

I pinched his arm hardly to which he yelled in pain

"are you crazy? that hurt!" he complained

"Was it enough to wake you up from day dreaming or do you need more?" i asked annoyed

"No no that was enough" he replied defeated.

i took his shirt off only to find a small cut not too deep on his left shoulder.

At this moment i realized that the blood wasn't his but the bandits and he fooled me.

i wanted to beat the shit out of him!

seeing my expressions he burst out laughing angering me even more.

i started throwing punches at him as he started dodging them.

Suddenly this became a game of cat chasing the mouse. where he was the mouse and i was the cat chasing him and we were literally running in the entire castle.

Everyone...maids, butlers , chefs were looking at us like we were maniacs but like we care.

Finally i caught him but was too tired to beat him.

We both were panting and once again we looked at each other and burst out in laughing

Our session of laughs was interrupted by a lady. she was in her good 40's but she looked young and elegant.

who is she?

"Greetings Mother!"

My eyes widened hearing Night calling this woman mother.

i froze not knowing what to do.

Quickly gaining my composer i did what i know a lady is suppose to do that is greet her.

"Care to explain why are you having cat and mouse in the entire mansion half naked?"

Night mother asked