
chapter 34

As everyone was done eating tea was served and after tea the King spoke

“ As you all know this feast was held in honor of my getting married so as per tradition let’s welcome his wife”

Everyone stood up except for the King and Queen off course and started greeting them and giving them gifts. As one goes another comes and repeat the same words the previous one spoke.

Sandra was getting bored. Back in her world she always hated feasts or banquets because no matter how hard she tried not to but she would be the center of attention which she hates the most. Still Sandra was trying to be as polite as she could.

As everyone was done that is when the man who had no woman beside him stood up ad Sandra felt Night tensing up. Why was he tensed up suddenly?

He man approached us and spoke

“ Greetings sister in law.”

Before I could reply Night spoke “ How is elder brother doing?”

Sandra eyes widened. This man was Night’s elder brother who tried to kill him.