
chapter 35

Shade was in walking in front of me while I was walking behind him keeping a safe distance. I understood his hate towards Night but that didn’t mean i trust him. And the constant feeling of someone watching me was not helping either. I wasn’t afraid but was confused. I knew someone was following us but the question is why? Was this Shade’s man? If he is then what is he planning? Wouldn’t it be foolish of him to hurt me in anyway considering the fact the would be punished after it.

“ Is Night treating you right?” I was startled by shade’s sudden question. “ excuse me?” I questioned

“ I don’t repeat myself” Shade said. how rude!

“ I believe that is none of your concerns” I replied in the same tone he used before. he stopped and turned.

“ Answer me while I am asking politely” the threat in his voice was clear but I don’t give a shit. Who does he think he is to ask about the relation between me and my hus….i mean Night.