
chapter 36

I quickly took out the horn Night gave me in case something goes happens and blew it.

“ what are you doing?” Shade asked

“ calling for help” I said and threw the horn away and pulled out my whip which Night made me hid inside my clothes in case something goes wrong.

“ You know how to use that?” shade asked confused. That is when another arrow came towards him. I quickly used the whip to catch it before it hit Shade making his eyes wide.

Suddenly 1 dozen men stepped out of no where wearing black clothes and their faces were covered with black masks

“ I know a lot of things now get ready” I said and charged towards the men.

I used my whip to stop the attacks they attempted with arrows and used my Kung fu skills to beat them while shade just fought with his sword

These assassins were well trained because they moves used were quiet polished but I still managed to knocked 4 of them out of consciousness