
chapter 42

Bella walked in and woke Sandra up but I stayed outside.

I heard her complaining that I was an asshole to which I totally agree.

“ he needs to get his shit together” she said

“ just give him time “ Bella said

“ Bella! Can I say something?” Sandra said

“off course” Bella said

“ I know John came to you and you already knew what I told you so can you both drop the act” I was shocked and Bella was too for sure.

“ how did you knew?” Bella asked

“ you didn’t look surprised when I told you everything so I just assumed and John if you wanna listen then come in. stop ease dropping”

How the hell does she know this too. I sighed and walked in. she looked at me confused probably because of the amount of things in my hand.

“ I am gonna get some water” bella made an excuse but she gave me a THIS IS YOUR CHANCE DON’T MESS IT UP look before leaving

“ Ummm…. Sandra! I….i am sorry. I should not have” I was cut off in the middle as she spoke