
chapter 43

John remained silent annoying the shit out of me.

“ do you realize that your silence isn’t helping at all” I yelled

“ do you realize your yelling isn’t helping either” john yelled and left me out of words.

It was true! It’s useless arguing at this moment what I need to know is how are we going to survive

“ what’s your plan?” I asked

“ we need to get out of this villa” John said

“ okay but how?” I asked

“ Look this elevator leads us to an the an underground chamber which is connected to car parking. there we need to take the car and leave. ” John explained

“ John there is a hole in security! And I am pretty sure there would be people down there too” I said at which John frowned

“ how do you know about the security hole?” john asked

“ that’s not the point. the chamber would not be safe” I said as the elevator door

“ no on can enter in the chamber” John said confidently but all I saw was over confident