“ so where is Shade?” Night asked changing the topic. As he mentioned the name of Shade I noticed Night’s father smile faded.
“ Here” all of our heads turned towards the source of voice as we saw Shade walking towards us.
He looked a little pale and has lost some weight.
“ Excuse me your majesties but can I borrow my brother and sister in law” Shade asked.
Weird! The last time he said brother his voice was filled with venom but this time it’s…..soft
“ Sure! Go ahead” His father said as we all excused ourselves and went proceeded towards the crime scene. We all were silently checking the garden and once we were done we all gathered at the center
“ Anything that caught your eye?” Night asked and we both shooked our heads no.
“ there is no evidence” Shade said sounding a little frustrated
I turned 360 degrees taking every inch of view of the garden.
“May be we are looking the wrong way” I said which took both Night and shade by surprise