(shout out to Marikit for contributing to the book. Please leave reviews. It would be helpful)
Ancient times
Sandra POV
“ ready or not here I come”
I groaned as those words rang in my ears disturbing my sleep.
Sighing I lifted my head and rubbed my eyes. I looked around trying to remember who I am? Where I am? Why I am? Doesn’t everyone take 30 minutes to actually wake up after waking up?
I turned my head and saw Shade going around as if he was looking as if he was looking for something.
My mind wasn’t fully awoke but I still got up and started walking towards him but in mid way I heard someone saying Pszzz
I turned my head towards the direction of voice and saw Night trying camouflage in the thick leaves of a tree
What the fuck is happening here?
“Enola!” My head snapped towards Shade who was now standing in front of me
“yes!’ I said. heck my voice sounds 10 times lower pitched
“have you seen Night?” he asked