Shade frowned and narrowed his eyes confirming what he saw
Once he was sure he turned on his heels.
“Sir!” he called
The shopkeeper smiled and walked towards him. “ Did you change your mind and want to buy something?” the shop keeper asked
“ahhh No actually can I see the clock in that room?” Shade asked pointing towards the clock
The shopkeeper frowned and looked a little take back
“ Sir that……..that is my niece’s ” the shop keeper replied
“ Can I….see it? if you don’t mind’ Shade asked being a little hesitant
The shop keeper thought for a while and nodded. He went inside the room and came back with the clock
“ Here you go sir” The shop keeper said handing the clock to Shade.
Shade looked at the clock and started looking for any dissimilarities but found none
The clock was identical to the one Enola had. This was too suspicious
“Do you know anything about this clock?” Shade questioned
The shop keeper shook his head before saying