
chapter 54

Modern time

Enola POV

We were eating dinner i silence which reminds me off the dinner he had on the wedding Night.

“ Nathan!?” a familiar voice spoke walking towards the us gained our attention.

“Hello Jason” I greeted.

“hello sister in law” he replied.

“just call me En…I mean Sandra” I said. Woah that was close. I really should work on this or I would get exposed

While I was busy making mental note I didn’t notice the mood swing of John.

“how many times have I told you not to call me that” John said pissed

“ I just came to ask if your wounds are okay or not?” He said sounding genuinely concerned.

“ my wounds are none of your business. Remember even if I came here that doesn’t mean we are on good terms”

John said girthing his teeth.

“Nathan for God’s sake how many times do I have to…..” Jason tried speaking but got cut but John saying

“Exactly! How many times you have to explain before you realize that I don’t give a fuck about your explanations ?”