
Chapter 55

“Sandra for God sake I am panicking here and you are making fun of me?” John complained pouting

“ John! you need to calm your ass and behave normal” I said frustrated

“ How to behave normal?” he asked and I just stared at his face in disbelieve. Suddenly there was a knock on the door followed by a maid informing us that the breakfast is served.

John started panicking even more.

“John Take deep breaths....in and out……in and out”

He breathe alongside my instructions.

“you are ready” I asked once he seemed calmed.

he shook his head no which made me smile.

“ let’s go….or we are going to spend all our time here” I said and dragging him out

Reaching the dining table I saw everyone having breakfast

“good morning” I greeted to which none of them seemed fazed at all.

I looked over to John ad nudged his elbow and gestured him to say Good morning. He nodded and with a trembling voice said “Good morning”