
chapter 58

Modern times

Enola POV

I was star struck by his words. Me? In love? With john?

Hell no!

“I scoffed before replying “ It’s not good to drink during the dy or you would start baffling things that would only embarrass you”

John’s father smiled before saying “ I am not the one who is day dreaming child. I understand that your father brought you up by playing with knifes and bathing with blood but that doesn’t mean you should ignore your emotions. “

“ don’t speak bullshit! I have no feeling that are related to your son” I wanted to say that calmly but my voice came out otherwise which I didn’t understand. I also didn’t understood the swelling emotion in my heart.

John father again gave me a smile which made me want to hit his head with something hard. Why does his smile gets to me all the time?

He wiped his mouth with a napkin before speaking

“ if you don’t have feelings for my sons then did you lose your calmness ? “