
chapter 66

Ancient times

Shade POV

“ she……had a miscarriage”

My jaw dropped as my eyes diverted to Night’s face.

the light disappeared from his face and got replaced by shock and pain.

“How could this be? No! it can’t be!”

tears scrolled down his face. though i wan not on good terms with him for many years I always knew he loved kids. he was even gentle and nice with enemies kids

he always said “ kids are always innocent”

and seeing him loosing his child………… it hurts like shit

he doesn’t deserve that

“ I wanna see her” He said and started walking inside but Grace got in her way saying

“ Enola is not in the condition to be visited by anyone”

“ I need to see her” he yelled tears going down his cheeks

“ Night you need to get a grip. Enola is not in the condition…….she needs rest. Please understand”

Grace was trying to talk some sense into him but he had turned deaf ears to her and was forcing his way through