
chapter 67

Ancient times

Sandra POV

I have never been so scared in my life. fighting a dozen men would be easier than to have a surgery in a time where even the word doesn’t exist.

“are you ready?” Bella asked me. as much as I wanted to shook my head no I gathered all my courage and nodded

“ sure you look like it”

What’s with her and sarcasm?

She gave me a glass which contains something that’s definitely not pumpkin juice

I took a deep breath before mumbling “ bottoms up” and gulped It down in one go

To say it tasted like the mixture of mud with toothpaste would be an extreme understatement

It was the most terrible thing I have ever had but before I could even complain I my head started to spin as I left dizzy

“ sweet dreams” was all I remember hearing before I fell asleep



Modern times

Enola POV

“ did I ask for both of your kidneys?”

“ what?” Grace asked

“ why are you giving me that look?”