
chapter 89

“what the actual hell? Why don’t we remember anything?” to say Enola was shocked and confused was absolutely spot on

Helen Sighed before starting to explain

“ when I was very young when I found the clock so I remember the exact details of it but after I did I started seeing a girl in my dreams every night.

I didn’t understood why and I didn’t even bother finding out. One day I had a huge fight with my father and locked myself in my room and refused to come out.

That was when I made the biggest mistake of my life.

I wished to be the girl in my dreams and slept only to wake up to my dream coming true but instead of being happy I was scared till my bones.

I closed my eyes again wanting to go back but what I saw next was even more scaring. I saw my very own body walking towards me but I wasn’t the one in it

It took me really long to understand that I had switched bodies with Harriet and even more to realize it was because of the clock.