
chapter 90

Ancient times

Sandra POV

I slowly lifted my lids as I regained my consciousness.

“where am i?” I asked as the first thing that came into my view was…… grass?

I got up and look at my surrounding. I was clearly near by a river. As I was taking in the surroundings my eyes fell on a paper just in front of me

“what is a paper doing here?” I thought and picked it up only to find a message written on it

“ Sandra or Enola whoever you are. If you wake up please know that me and Night are going back to castle. Blade who is Night’s elder step brother has been conspiring all these years to take over the throne. We need to stop him at all costs.

Even though Night doesn’t want you coming after us I know we need you. please come fast and with a plan.

I have left mark so that you can return. Just follow the stars” after reading the message I remembered what happened and………

What the actual fuck! Just for how long was I unconscious? And how did all this happen so fast?