
chapter 94

Modern times

Aro was really confused by Sandra words.

Why was he telling him to not call her Sandra? why does she says she is not who he thinks she is?

“ Calm yourself Sandra. panicking would get you nowhere”

Even though Enola knew what Aro said was right she couldn’t help it so she took a deep breath


“what?” questioned Aro

“ that’s my real name.”

Aro wanted to do either smash his head across something hard or smash her head across something hard.

Why is she thinking about stupid things like this in such time?

“ HEY!” Sandra at him

“ all I know is that you have the highest IQ I have ever seen so instead being an idiot and panic use your damn IQ for right cause for once in your life.” Enola was dazed by his lecture which frustrated him out even more.

So instead of depending upon her to come up with a plan he tried to came up with his own