
Chapter 95

“ Sandra. don’t act on the basis of your emotions” Aro tried to talk some sense into Enola who very well understood that Aro was right. She never acted on the basis of her emotions but for this once…..just this once. she wants to act on the basis of her emotions.

Yes she is being extremely impulsive and even idiotic

But sometimes you got to do what you got to do.

“ take the stairs on the last corridor. Even if guards are there no one would be able to hear you fighting so it’s the safest. Find John and tell him to wait for me in the forbidden corridor”

Enola said before starting to walk away from Aro.

According to her analysis Sarah can keep dad in only a few places and one which is forbidden corridor.

The reason why she thinks it’s highly likely is no one really knows about that corridor and she thinks there Is only one way out of there.