Decorated Apartment/ Meeting Rea

Amon returned to his new apartment, he noticed that the lights in his apartment in on, and there are still a truck present in front of the house, he walked into the house and noticed that Megan's house was also not empty, someone is inside and he expects it to either be her daughter or her husband.

He decided to check out his apartment and walked up the stairs and saw that the door of his room was open, he walked in and saw both Megan and a worker installing the large tv that he bought.

Megan noticed Amon and walked towards him with a smile on her face.

"What do you think?" She asked.

Amon looked around and saw that his room that was empty before is not filled with the furniture that he bought, the big couch that he bought fit perfectly in the living room and the tv is being attached to the wall right in front of the couch, the small couches are placed here and there fitting the room's design.

He then walked into his bedroom and saw that his bed has been put together as well and it looks really good.

The worker who just finished installing the TV called for Megan and showed her the installed tv and left leaving only Amon and Megan in the living room,

"Thank you, Megan, you have been of great help to me". Amon said and hugged her, Megan didn't even hesitate to hug him back, like before Amon hugged her tightly, pressing her body into his, her breasts being squeezed against his body.

Like before his big arm tightly held her around her waist while her other hand was on her ass giving it a nice squeeze, Megan of course never stopped him.

'He is squeezing my ass again, is he attracted to me?' She questioned as she felt his fingers dig deep into her ass.

Amon was having a great time feeling her ass, he caressed it for a few seconds and let her go, Megan didn't say anything and just smiled, since this is the first time someone is so sexually forward with her, she doesn't know what is happening, she thinks that Amon's greetings are just traditional and nothing else.

Well, this was just an excuse for herself so that she would not feel guilty about liking it.

"No problem, anything for a handsome man like you". She said with a smile.

"Thank you". Amon said and leaned in and pecked her lips, Megan was surprised but seeing that Amon was acting completely indifferent about this kiss, she decided to do the same and just smiled, she bid farewell and left.

After she left, the smirk on Amon's face grew, he couldn't help but feel great, Megan was slowly falling into his lust trap, women like Megan were most likely to fall for these methods as they have horrible sex lives, they don't love their husband so they are like a wild fish in a clear river, anyone could fish for them.

Amon got lucky that he was the first one or Megan would have already been fucking other guys, of course, he could have fucked her even if she was already corrupted, the feeling of corrupting someone was special and Amon liked it.

He wanted to corrupt Megan, make her his own personal cum dumpster and own her as she is a very rare beauty.

He then sat down on his new couch and bounced on it twice.

"These couches are so much more comfortable than those royal seats back in the day". Amon commented and turned on his TV.

Since he paid extra, the workers made sure to activate everything for Amon so he won't be going through any inconvenience, he switched through the channels and started to watch a movie about a superhero who can fly, shoot lasers out of his eyes, and is super strong.

He watched the movie and liked it, as the movie ended it was 9 PM and Amon decided to take a shower, he went to the bathroom and took a shower, this is the first time he is showering, even though he doesn't need to as he can clean himself with just a thought, the feeling of cold water hitting his body is relaxing.

He finished showering and wiped himself up and wore trousers over his legs, as he was thinking of which t-shirt he should wear, he heard his doorbell right, he thought it might be Megan and decided to see her reaction.

Without wearing any t-shirt he walked towards the door with his exposed upper body and opened the door, but the person that was standing in front of him was not Megan but Amon gladly would like to talk to this person.

In front of him stood a young girl who is 18 years old, standing about 5'3, slim figure, average size breast, average size waist but she looks very beautiful, she has a cute face and her purple eyes clearly stand out.

She has died her hair purple in color but it is not fully purple, they are only purple halfway through, she is wearing a black top and short cotton short which shows of her legs.

(Picture here).

Amon looked at the girl in front of him and realized that she is the daughter of Megan, the girl is also staring at Amon with wide eyes, her heart is beating very fast and her cheeks are turning red.

Amon smiled at her and she snapped out of her dazed state, she is clearly embarrassed but tries her best to hide it.

"Who are you and how can I help you?" Amon asked.

"Ah! my name is Rea and I am Mega's daughter". She quickly replied.

"Oh, so you are Megan's daughter, well I had to expect it, the daughter is as beautiful as the mother". Amon said which made Rea blush and look away as she played with her fingers behind her back.

"So why are you here Rea?" Amon asked.

"Ah, yes, mom asked me to call you for dinner, she said that since you will be our tenant, she wanted to make you feel welcomed" Rea replied as she stared at Amon's body and gulped down her saliva.

"Oh, how sweet of her, how about you come inside and wait for a few seconds, I will put something on and go". Amon called her in and continued to check out her, even though Rea doesn't have a voluptuous figure like her mother, she is clearly very pretty, many men would fall head over heels for her, now Amon has another target in his sight.

He walked into his bedroom and put on a random t-shirt and walked out, he noticed that Rea is looking at the consoles on his tv stand.

"What are you looking at?" Amon asked. Rea turned around a little embarrassed.

"I was looking at the gaming console PM5 on your tv stand, I heard it's the latest model and I really wanted one but I already spent all my monthly allowance on other things". Rea replied

"I see, whenever you are free you can come and play if you want". Amon said with a smile.

"REALLY?" She asked enthusiastically.

"Sure, why not" He replied back.

"Thank you". She got really happy.

"Now, let's go, your mom is waiting" Amon reminded her about the dinner, Rea snapped out of her happy state and slapped her forehead.

"Ah, I forgot, let's go or mom will start to get worried". Rea said and zoomed out of Amon's room, Amon followed her and locked the door behind him with his thought and no one saw it.