Dinner At Megan's House

Amon followed Rea down the stairs and towards their house, he noticed that the door of their house was open, Rea walked in and called Amon in.

Amon smiled at the cute Rea and walked in, he noticed that there was a pair of men's shoes on the shoe stand, Amon realized that Megan's husband might be home, he wanted to see what type of person he was who would let his wife become so sexually frustrated that she has eyes for other men and falls for them so easily.

He walked in and removed his shoes and wore the slippers that were for house use, he wore the biggest slippers he could find and walked in, as soon as he walked in he saw a big living room and in the middle was a massive sofa and on the sofa sat a middle-aged man who is similar to Megan's height but he is very skinny.

Megan clearly seems much bigger than this middle-aged man, he is also showing signs of balding, Julian pitied this man as he was about to make his wife his woman.

"Dad, you are home". Rea said as she saw her dad, there was no enthusiasm in her greeting, it was just a normal meeting with a calm tome, Amon was surprised by seeing this because the very few minutes of interaction that he has had with Rea, he can tell that she is a very cheerful person so seeing her being no so cheerful while greeting her dad was off.

'It looks like this man's relationship with his daughter is also not that great'. Amon thought as he looked at the middle-aged skinny man who is balding.

Rea's dad turned his head and looked at Rea and then at Amon, he then stood up with a smile on his face and walked up to Amon, Rea's dad was surprised to see the tall Amon, he didn't expect his new tenant to be such a big young man.

"So you are the Amon that Megan is talking about, nice to meet you, young man, my name is Stewart Tylor, though I am your landlord you can treat me as your uncle, I like to believe that our neighbors are our family". Stewart said with a smile on his face and tried to slap Amon's shoulder.

Amon also smiled back at Stewart and greeted him.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Tylor, hope we get along". He said.

"No need to call me Mr. Tylor, just call me Stewart". He said.

"Stewart it is then". Amon replied.

"Come have a seat and watch the match with me". Stewart dragged Amon to the couch and made him sit and watch the football (soccer) game.

Rea didn't seem to like the idea of Amon sitting with Stewart and watching the game but she couldn't do anything so she just sat down next to Amon and quietly watched the game with them.

"So Amon, what do you do for a living?". He asked.

"I just started off as a teacher in Stiford". Amon replied.

Hearing his answer Rea is shocked as she realized that Amon is actually her teacher.

"Oh, I didn't expect that, Rea is a senior high schooler at Stiford as well, so you must be her teacher". Stewart said.

"I don't know yet, I will be starting from tomorrow so I don't know who my students are, well we will find out tomorrow anyway, right?" Amon said and looked at Rea.

Rea who was caught off-guard studdered before nodding her head.

"Rea, you don't have to worry about formalities with me, I am only a teacher on campus grounds, outside of campus you can call me by my name". Amon reassured her.

Hearing this Rea is a little happy but she didn't express it out loud as her dad is still in the room.

"Hahaha, don't worry about her, my daughter has always been the shy type, she won't talk to people that much". He said while laughing.

Amon was surprised by Stewart's answer again, he couldn't believe a dad could be so clueless about his own daughter, from what Amon understood Rea is someone who is friendly and won't hesitate to make friends.

Amon realized why Rea didn't have a close relationship with dad, Amon just smiled at the clueless man and continued to watch the TV, he looked at Rea and she looked very uncomfortable right now, she continued to sneak peek at Amon and turn her head away as soon as possible when she thought Amon might notice her.

Amon then turned his head and looked around to find Megan but he couldn't see her, he looked at the kitchen which is attached to the living room.

The planning of this house is an open living, the kitchen is attached to the living room and there seem to be only one bedroom on this floor, there is also a staircase inside which seems to lead to other bedrooms.

As he was looking around he heard a click and the bathroom door opened and Megan walked out of the bathroom, she is still wearing the same clothes that she was wearing before, as soon as she walked out her eyes fell on Amon and a smile appeared on her face.

"Amon, you are here, thanks for joining us". Megan said and smiled at him.

"Thank you for having me, Megan". Amon replied.

"You guys continue whatever you are doing, I will go finish the rest of the cooking". Megan said and walked into the kitchen, Amon kept his eyes on Megan as she entered the kitchen, they would make eye contact every minute, it was clear that Megan was really attracted to Amon.

Amon made sure to not looks suspicious and would comment on the game to distract Stewart's attention, as for Rea, she seem to be lost in her own world, Amon talked to her and he would get a quiet and short answer.

Amon wanted to pin Rea down and fuck her, make her scream in pleasure with his big penis but he likes it when things go slow, he is not a rapist, he likes to conquer women not subdue and hurt them.

Seeing that Rea was so silent, Amon decided to see how she reacts to him and his touch, he slides towards her silently and puts his arms around her shoulder.

"You seem quite silent, what happened to the cheerful personality?" He asked and rubbed her shoulder.

Rea looked at her shoulder and felt Amon's strong grip, she blushed and felt flustered as this is the first time a man has touched her but she didn't feel uncomfortable, it helped to be ridiculously handsome, Rea already started to have a crush on him.

"No it's nothing, I just don't like sitting here in the hall, how about we go to my room and play some games?" She asked while looking right into Amon's eyes.

"I would love to but I think your mom is done with her cooking, how about some other time, maybe you can come to my house to play in that new console". Amon suggested.

Rea was a little disappointed that they have to wait here but she was also happy that Amon invited her to his apartment.

And just like Amon said, Megan finished her cooking and started to plating the table.

"Dinner is ready, Rea, come and help me". Megan called for Rea, like any teenager, she grunted and got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen, Amon looked at Stewart and realized that the man is busy watching his game.

Amon got up and walked into the kitchen as well, he got bored with the football match as he didn't know what to expect from it, he knows the rules but he doesn't care about the game as he doesn't have a favorite team.

As he walked into the kitchen, he saw Megan and Rea plating the table, he looked at Megan who is bent forward with her ass pointed towards him, because of her leggings being tight it showed the shape of her ass, Amon wanted another feel of it but stopped himself as Rea was looking at him.

"Do you need any help?" He asked.

"No need, have a seat". Megan turned around and slide her hair behind her ear and pulled a chair for Amon, Amon smiled and sat down as he finally got a feel of her ass again as she stood right next to him while Rea was not looking.

He grabbed her ass and squeezed it, Megan bit her lower lip and looked at him as she felt her ass being squeezed again.

"Thank you, I am looking forward to eating your food". He said and let go, Megan nodded and walked back while giving Amon a few glances.

After a few minutes, the table was sent and Megan called for Stewart, Stewart walked in and looked at the food on the table.

"You really went all out today, didn't you?" He said and laughed and sat on the head of the table, Megan also joined and sat right next to Amon.

Since the dining table is square-shaped, Stewart is sitting in the head seat, Megan is sitting to his left while Amon is sitting right next to her and Rea is sitting on the other side opposite to Megan.

"Amon, don't feel shy, eat as much as you want". Megan said and took a massive chicken piece and put it on his plate, she also put some rice and chicken gravy on his plate as well.

Once she served Amon, she served Stewart, and then Rea, Stewart would have always been served first but this time Megan served Amon unconsciously as in her eyes Amon is the leader in this group even though Stewart is sitting at the head of the table.

Stewart noticed this but didn't think much about it, he just thought that Megan wanted to make a favorable impression.

"So Amon, have you finished decorating your room yet?" Stewart asked.

"Yes, thanks to your lovely wife, she helped me a lot, I never thought I would encounter such a kind-hearted woman these days". Amon said and placed his hand on Megan's thigh which was unnoticed by Stewart and Rea.

Megan was taken back but she didn't move and just smiled as she felt Amon's hand rubbing her left thigh.

"Hahaha, my wife is indeed a very kind woman, I am so lucky to have her as my wife". Stewart said.

To keep him busy in his thoughts he asked him how he met Megan and how they got married, while he was busy blabbering.

Amon's hand went up her thigh and very close to her pussy, he rubbed her thigh and looked at her with a smile, Megan also made eye contact with him and felt her heartbeat, by now it is very clear that Amon is not holding back, he is touching her on purpose.

The side of his hand started to rub against her crotch as Amon continued to rub her, Megan looked at Amon again and saw him not even looking at her and eating the food on his plate, her breathing became heavy and her cheeks flushed red.

Stewart saw this and looked at Megan as she took deep breaths.

"Are you ok?" Stewart asked.

Megan looked at him and smiled.

"No, I am fine, I just felt exhausted after all the cooking, I will be fine". She said as she felt her pussy getting wet, thankfully she is wearing underwear or her leggings would have been stained by now.

Amon decided to stop and he didn't want to push Megan on the very first day, he would take his time with her.

The dinner continued with Stewart talking the most with Amon answering some of his questions.