Giving Megan Pleasure

The dinner went very well, Megan felt really uncomfortable during it because she didn't want to risk getting caught while Amon touched her.

The food was really good and soon the table was emptied, everybody seems to have had their stomach filled and they looked satisfied, as for Amon, it didn't matter how much he eats, everything that goes inside his body falls into an endless abyss, lucky for him he can still taste food and enjoy them.

Stewart got up from his seat with a smile on his face.

"Thanks for the food, I will go back and watch my game"

He said and walked away, Megan just frowned and didn't say anything, she didn't like how Stewart just walked away after eating his food, she then looked at Rea who is playing with her empty plate, and got a little angry.

"Rea, stop playing with your plate and go back to your room, and did you finish your assignments?"

She asked with a stern voice.

"Fine, I am going, ugh"

Rea said in an annoyed voice and got up from her seat and walked away before looking at Amon one last time, Amon smiled at her and waved her hand and she did the same.

Megan then looked at Amon and smiled.

"Sorry about that, she is just spoiled, she is always playing games in her room, I get so many complaints from her school about her not completing her assignments".

She said.

"It's nothing serious, girls her age are like that, they just like to have a little more fun". Amons said and put his hand on her shoulder and gave it a soft massage.

Megan looked at his hand and back at Amon, she then got up and started to pick up the plates.

"Thank you for joining us, I should clean up the dishes now". She said and bent forward to pick up Amon's dishes, Amon looked at the two breasts dangling in front of him and wanted to touch them.

"Let me help you then". Amon said and got up from his seat as well.

Megan was surprised but decided to decline.

"You are our guest, how can I make you do the dishes?" She said.

"Don't worry about it, I am your neighbor and we will become very close in the future so I don't find doing some work in the beginning"

Amon said and put his hand behind her back and rubbed it, Megan looked down shyly and bit her lip, she then felt Amon's hand touching her ass and rubbing it, she looked at him and then walked away with the plates in her hand.

Amon smirked and followed her into the kitchen, they both began to clean the dishes and talked about their life, Megan realized that she was really open with Amon even though they just met today, she started to talk about her troubles and hard time at work.

There was also vocational touching from Amon but he didn't take it too far, the most he did was put his hand on her ass.

Stewart who was watching his game noticed that Amon is with Megan, he turned his head and looked at Amon and saw his wife talking to him with a smile, he felt a little uncomfortable seeing his wife smiling with another man, a man who is stronger than him, bigger than him, more good looking than him and younger than him.

But he soon got rid of these thoughts, they have been married for 18 years and he feels that the relationship between them is very good and there is no reason for Megan to cheat on him.

As Amon and Megan just met today and since he is their tenant, he believes that Megan is just being friendly with the new tenant because the money that this tenant paid was quite big and rented the apartment for a few years.

Stewart knew that tenants like this are hard to come by and it's better to have a good relationship with them, so Stewart supported Megan's move.

"Amon, you shouldn't be washing the dishes". He said and he noticed Amon was helping Megan clean the dishes, seeing this he felt good about his tenant as he seems to be a kind man.

"Don't worry Mr. Tylor, I am pretty good at this and I don't like to be a burden so it's ok". Amon replied and smiled at Stewart.

"Oh, well thank you then". He said and went back to watching his game and got very into it as things started to heat up.

Megan continued to wash the dishes when she saw Amon walk right behind her and put his arm around her.

Megan looked at the plates that Amon was cleaning and noticed that he was done with them, she then saw his big arms wrapped around her and holding her arms, she felt his powerful hold on her arms.

Her back pressed against his muscular frame, she felt her ass pressing against Amon's penis, she could feel its size, even though not erect, it felt big to her.

She bit her lower lip and tried to press even harder, she wanted to feel it as its fully erect.

Amon smirked seeing how shameless Megan really is but she acts so innocently, knowing he will succeed he made his move.

He stopped holding her hands and put his arm around her waist and slowly moved up, he felt the quiver in Megan's body as he did so but he didn't stop, then got close to her breast and finally grabbed them.

Megan was caught by surprise as she felt Amon's firm hands grabbing her breast, she moaned softly and felt her breast being squeezed and pulled by Amon, her breasts were being handled like dough.

She let out another soft moan and put her hands over his and tried to stop him but she couldn't, Amon was not letting her go, she was enjoying Amon groping her but she wanted to stop him as she didn't want to risk getting caught.

"What are you doing?" She whispered and looked at Amon.

"I am enjoying myself", He said and pinched her nipples over her top.

"~mfn~ stop, we shouldn't do this, this is wrong, I have a husband". She said.

"I don't care, what I see is a slut who is sexually frustrated and wants someone to satisfy her". Amon whispered into her ear.

Megan quivered as she heard him, she realized that Amon knew her intentions, even though she thought like she doesn't want this, she knows she wants this.

"No". She said softly.

"Don't worry Megan, Mr. Stewart won't find out and I will also make sure to satisfy all your needs". He whispered in her ear as he slowly lowered one of his hands towards her crotch.

"No, we cannot, I don't want to cheat on my husband". She whispered.

"Hehe, don't lie to me Megan, if you wanted to stop, you would have stopped me right now, but you didn't, deep down you want this, deep down you want to be fucked by someone like me, I know your husband cannot satisfy you, that is why you are trying so hard for attention and look at you rubbing your ass against my penis. You are a slut and I am helping you bring out your fun side". Amon whispered into her ear.

Megan knew everything Amon said is true, as she was thinking about it, she realized that Amon's other hand is inside her hands pressing against her pussy.

"~mnn~ we shouldn't do it now, Stewart will find out". She whispered, she no longer denying his advance but she is still scared about getting caught.

"As I said, don't worry, and this is so much more exciting". Amon said and started to rub her bare pussy, he rubbed her clit and started to twirl it.

"~Angg~ slow down, I can't handle it". She whispered while breathing heavily.

Amon smirked and decided to go for the finish, he formed a hook with two of his fingers and inserted it deep into her pussy, Megan's eyes went wide and she was about to moan very loudly but Amon quickly moved his other hand and covered her mouth muffling her moans.

He then sped up his fingers inside her pussy.

Megan felt her pussy being ravaged by Amon's fingers, she felt his two fingers rubbing against her G-spot making her moan over and over in pleasure but with Amon's hand over her mouth she couldn't voice them out loudly, her eyes teared up as she had never felt pleasure like this before, she felt her pussy gushing out fluids crazily.

The splashing sound sounded like someone was aggressively whisking up a bowl of mayonnaise.

Megan felt her legs go completely weak, her whole body weight is now being supported by Amon on his two fingers inside Megan's pussy which put more pressure on it.

Amon continued to demolish her pussy with his fingers, her gushing pussy completely drenched the pants she is wearing.

Teary eyes, wet pussy, weak legs, and unbelievable pleasure, she was having bliss.

Amon felt her body quivering and knew she was about to finish, he increased his speed and made her finish, her pussy gushed out a lot of fluid as she squirted all over his finger.

It looked like she peed her pants.


She moaned as loud as she could, even with Amon covering her mouth, it was loud, Amon let her go and she plopped on the ground like a rag doll.

Stewart who was watching his game turned around as he heard the sound, when he turned his head he only saw Amon washing his hand in the sink.

"Where is Megan?"

He asked.

"She went to the bathroom". Amon replied with no hesitation.

'I must be imagining things' Stewart thought and went back to watching his game, Amon, on the other hand, looked down and saw Megan sitting next to his leg breathing heavily, her pants completely soaked, her eyes filled with tea.

Megan still couldn't believe what just happened, she felt pleasure like never before, not even with her big dildo.

"I know you loved it and this is just the beginning". Amon said and finished the last plate and looked at Megan again

"I will be leaving, take good care of that pussy". He said and walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Oh, are you leaving already?" Stewart asked.

"Yes, I have work tomorrow and I don't want to be late on the very first day". Amon said.

"Too bad, I wanted to have a drink with you". Stewart said.

"Some other time Mr. Tylor, but tonight is not the night". He said and bid his farewell to Stewart and walked out of their house and went back to his apartment.