The Wait Might Be Over

Though Caroline was not satisfied with her husband's performance, she doesn't need him to keep herself sexually satisfied, she has special toys that he doesn't know about that she only uses when he is not around.

The vibrator she is using is just at the basic level, the toys she has locked up are more extreme and she loves them.

Caroline pleasured herself to sleep completely forgetting about her husband.


Back to where Amon lives, a very expensive car is parked inside the parking area, this car is none other than the one Amon ordered, the car being vibrant red in color would attract a lot of attention.

And next to this car stood a beautiful woman who is looking outside, she is wearing a very revealing dress right now, with half of her breasts completely out only covering the lower half of her breasts, her skirt is also very short and if she bends even a little it will reveal the thin black thong she is wearing.

This woman is none other than Megan, who prepared a lot for tonight, she went shopping to buy the most expensive, sexiest and revealing outfit she could find, her went to a beauty salon to get her hair done, she glowed herself up to the extreme just to impress Amon but he was nowhere to be seen.

She wanted to get fucked as her sexual frustration was building up, she wanted to meet Amon so bad that she actually waited for him outside her house but seeing Amon hasn't come back even though it is 10 PM, Megan was disappointed.

She also felt a lot of pressure from other women, just a few hours ago when she was getting ready, she heard a knock on her door, she opened her door and saw a very hot young girl who seems to be in her 20s standing in front of her.

"Is this where Mr. Amon lives?" The girl asked.

"Yes". Megan replied. "He lives upstairs, what do you want?" Megan asked her as she wanted to know what kind of relationship this girl has with Amon.

"Mr. Amon is our customer, he bought a car and we are here to deliver it". The girl replied.

"Oh". Megan exclaimed and looked outside to see a very expensive red car standing outside her house, she looked at the car in surprise and back at the young lady. "Is that the car?" Megan asked.

"Yes, so is Mr. Amon here?" She asked again. "No he has not come back from work yet, you can park the car inside a leave". Megan told her. "Oh". The young lady said with disappointment filled in her voice which was easily noticed by Megan and she is not dumb enough to not know the reason behind it.

Once the car was parked inside, the lady left as Megan stood there and just watched. "She is so young and sexy, how can I compare myself to these women, what if Amon forgets about me, I don't want that". She said feeling frustrated. "Don't give up Megan, you are hot sexy milf and anyone would love to fuck you, Shera herself told me so, have some confidence and you will be able to charm him". She reassured herself by saying these words to herself and went back to enhance her beauty.

Now back to the present, Megan is going through a lot of feelings right now, she is angry, frustrated both mentally and sexually, disappointed, and the feeling of being wanted by Amon.

She walked back into her house and sat down on the couch, since she wanted to get fucked today, he prepared everything, she told Rea to not come home today and spend time with her friend Raily, she also told her husband that some of her friends are coming to visit her and that he cannot come home today so he had to book a hotel room for the night.

But it looks like her night is not going to be what she expected, she sighed and took the expensive wine bottle she bought, popped it open, and gulped it down in frustration.

"Fuck, how can a person has so much control over me, my desire for him is too much, it has only been a few days and I am getting frustrated over him not coming home". She said and gulped down the wine once again. "I want him, I at least need to talk to him to know what he is doing".

She said and picked up her phone and called Amon without caring about the outcome.

She heard the phone ring a few times before it was picked up, as soon as the phone was picked up Megan heard loud moans of a woman as well as the sound of wet clapping, she then heard Amon's voice.

"Hello". Amon's voice was strong and deep which felt like music to her ears but the wet clapping and moaning didn't go unnoticed by her.

"Amon, it's me, Megan". She answered. "I know Megan, how are you doing?" Amon asked. "I am doing ok, I just wanted to ask will you come home or will you be staying elsewhere tonight". She asked frustrated as she thought about the woman Amon is fucking, she got jealous and angry at Amon, he was flirting with her but also fucking another woman and was not even trying to hide it.

On the other side of the phone, Amon smirked as he heard her frustration, so he decided to play with her a little.

"You can hear it don't you?" He asked with a chuckle. "H-here wa-what?" Megan stuttered as she asked a question back. "Now, now, don't act like you know nothing, you can hear her moans don't you?". Amon asked again as the cheeky smile on his face never disappeared.

"Y-yes, I can h-here her". Megan replied as the sound of this unknown woman moaning crazily started to make her wet. "Good, I hope you are not touching yourself or you will never get to experience what this woman is experiencing right now, do you understand?" Amon asked to which Megan just nodded her head without replying.

She had almost touched her pussy but Amon's reminder stopped her, Amon didn't hear her answer but he knew she agreed to him.

"Good, now be a good woman and wait for me and you will be able to experience what this woman is experiencing right now". Amon said and paused for a second. "Hey slut, tell me, how good is my cock?" Amon asked not to Megan but to Shiana whose pussy is still getting destroyed.


Megan heard each and every word coming out of this woman's mouth and hearing how loud she was sent shivers down Megan's spine. "Did you hear that? You will also be screaming just like here when I fuck you, so be patient". Amon's voice sounded in her ear.

"B-but I c-can't wait any longer, please fu-fuck meee~" Megan said with almost tears coming out of her eyes and desperation filled her voice. Hearing her Amon smirked again, he knew it was time to strike, the iron was as hot as it could get, if he delays it any further all his work will go to waste.

Megan is at that critical breaking point and Amon has to make sure to take full advantage of it.

"I see, then tomorrow, you will wait for me at your house, don't go to work. I will be there and I expect a lot from you so don't disappoint me". Amon said and ended the call without giving Megan a chance to speak.

But Megan didn't care, as soon as the call ended, she stood up in excitement, tomorrow was the day she has been waiting for, she had to get prepared for the big day, she didn't care if she misses work tomorrow, Amon's existence has become more important to her than anything, she has gone crazy over him.

Without wasting any time, she started to get ready for tomorrow, Rea won't return till tomorrow evening and her husband will only return tomorrow night or at midnight the day after tomorrow.

She will have the house to herself and for Amon to ruin her in her own house.