To Megan's Then

Amon ended the call and looked down at Shiana as his cock was deep inside her pussy still ravaging her, her breasts bounced up and down while Shiana had her hands over her head and was gripping the pillow as tightly as she could while her fingers dug deep into them, the sound of Amon's cock slamming into her pussy got louder and faster and Shiana continued to moan very loudly.

"W-who was THATT~?" Shiana moaned and asked.

"A slut who desperately wants to get fucked by me". Amon answered. "I-is she one of your women?" Shiana asked with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"What, are you jealous? You slut, you know she has been waiting for me to fuck her for days and you got to taste my cock just after a day of meeting me, you ungrateful slut, you should get punished". Amon said and lifted her legs high up and pushed it over her head bending her whole body in half, he then wrapped his long big arms across her whole body forcing her body into the form of a package, he then put all his body weight on top of her and started to pound her to oblivion.

In this position, Shiana had no control at all, she was completely under the mercy of Amon and he was showing no mercy to her pussy, his thick long cock was completely inside her pussy and because of the vertical angle and her body being bent, his cock provided extra pressure inside her pussy.

Shiana clenched her teeth as hard as she could and tightened her pussy as the stimulation increased again, she didn't think it could get more intense but she was wrong, it got more intense.

"NO~ NOT SO HARDDD~ YOU ARE GOING TO B-BREAK ME, PLEASEEEEE, OH MY GODDDDD, FUCKKKKKKKKK, FUCKKK,~ FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~FUG~". Shiana moaned as she got pounded, Amon also grunted in pleasure, he brought his arms from under her body and tightly grabbed her neck causing her to gag from being choked as he continued to increase his speed.

Shiana's body shook violently as she felt another mind-blowing orgasm coming from her, every time Amon's cock went in and out of her pussy, a massive amount of her pussy juice would spurt out uncontrollably.

With a loud grunt, Amon thrust his hip and released a massive load deep inside her pussy, and like mayonnaise squeezed out of a bottle it made the same sound, his cum spurted out from Shiana's pussy while his cock was still pumping inside her.

Amon loosed his grip around Shiana's neck and saw the look on her face, her eyes are not completely rolled over, her mouth is agape while she is breathing heavily and is mumbling gibberish, Amon smirked and removed his cock from her pussy causing a lot of cum and pussy juice to rush out of her pussy, Shiana's body continued to shake as her pussy continued to spew out fluids like there is no end.

Amon then grabbed her hair brought her head closer to his cock and shoved it inside her mouth and completely down her throat causing her to gag, after cleaning his cock inside her mouth he let her go.

Shiana laid there on the bed completely oblivious to her surroundings and fell asleep from exhaustion and pleasure.

Amon also rolled to the side and closed his eyes, even though he doesn't need to sleep, he just want to shut his eyes and enjoy the moment.

"This is the best feeling". He whispered and drifted into sleep as well.


The next morning Amon opened his eyes and saw Shiana sucking on his cock like a hungry slut. "You little slut, still not satisfied huh?" Amon voiced out. Shiana stopped removing his cock from her mouth and smiled at him.

"I am really satisfied, I just wanted to taste your cock before I start my day". She said with a mischievous smile. "You have done something, you shouldn't have". Amon said and grabbed her before getting on top of her and pressing his cock against her cunt.

"No, please, no, not again, my pussy is completely numb and I can't feel my legs". She begged and started to panic. "I missed the part where that's my problem". Amon said and inserted his cock inside her cunt again, Shiana's eyes went wide as the feeling of her pussy getting stretched along with the feeling of both pleasure and pain assaulted her.

"NOOOOO~ FUCK~ PLEASE SLOW DOWN~ NOOOOOO~". Shiana's moan sounded all over the house again and this continued for another hour.

After finishing another load inside her Amon was satisfied and looked at the broken Shiana.

"I-I w-won't be able... able to go to work to-today~". She said while breathing heavily. "Don't worry about that, I will handle it". Amon said and grabbed Shiana's phone and called the principal.

The phone rang for a few seconds before being picked up "Hello, Miss Shiana?" the fat principal's voice came from the other side.

"Not Shiana, it me Amon". Amon answered. "Oh, Mr. Amon, what are you doing with Miss. Shiana's phone?" He asked curiously. "I am at her house, I just wanted to inform you that Shiana and I will not be coming to work today, I hope you understand". Amon said.

Mr. Howards was not an idiot, he was surprised by how fast Amon got Shiana in bed. "Don't worry Mr. Amon, as a principal it is my duty to take care of great teachers like Shiana, I will find a substitute and won't even cut her pay, don't worry". He reassured him.

'Perks of being tall, young and handsome'. Mr. Howards thought as he imagined Amon and Shiana fucking.

"I knew you were a smart man, now have a good day". Amon said and ended the call and tossed her phone next to her, Shiana was presently surprised by how Amon talked to the principal but seeing that he has handled the situation, he didn't bother to inquire about it.

"Stay at home and rest, you won't be able to walk anyways, I need to go somewhere else". Amon said and started to put on his clothes.

"To that woman?" Shiana asked as he remembered the phone call yesterday night. "Yes, to that woman". He answered, after putting on his clothes, he got close to her, picked her up from her bed, grabbed her face, and kissed her as he assaulted her mouth with his tongue, he kissed her for a new minutes before throwing her back on the bed for her to rest.

Amon wanted to bend her over and fuck her again but he knew that Shiana is at her limit and she won't be able to continue, Shiana touched her lips and gulped down the saliva left behind by Amon in her mouth, and watched Amon leave.


Amon walked out of Shiana's house and as soon as he came out, he saw a familiar face walking his dog right in front of him, it was none other than Mike and his big bad dog, the dog looked at Amon and suddenly lowered its head in submission while Mike looked at Amon with nervousness in his eyes as well.

"Mike, was it?" Amon asked to which Mike nodded his head. "Good morning Mike, how was last night?" Amon asked with a smile, hearing his question Mike started to sweat a lot.

Amon got really close to Mike and grabbed him by his collar and started to fix it. "Mike, I know you are a good man so you can continue to enjoy leering at my woman through her window as you at least deserve that for being strung around by her for so long, but if you ever try to put your hands on her, I will break your finger one after the other till you have none left". Amon said and patted Mike's chest and smiled at him. "Do you understand?" He asked.

Mike nodded his head aggressively agreeing to Amon, Amon then smiled and left Mike to continue to walk his dog, Mike gulped down and calmed his heart.

"He really saw me watching them yesterday". He mumbled under his breath but what surprised him more was Amon didn't break his face for doing so, he even gave Mike permission to peep at his woman who is Shiana, he also realized that Shiana was indeed stringing him around as he got the confirmation from Amon.

"Fuck!" He said frustrated but he couldn't do anything, he didn't want to get on the bad side of Amon.


Amon took a subway back to his house, on his way back he saw many hot girls on the subway, these girls were mostly in college or final year of high school and these girls didn't shy away from talking to him, some of them even gave him their number and asked him to hang out sometimes.

After an hour, he finally arrived in front of his apartment and he saw his brand new car parked inside, he walked in and checked out his car with a smile, he then walked towards Megan's house and rang the doorbell.