Megan Gets Her Wish Fulfilled

As soon as Amon's cock was thrust into Megan's pussy, she was assaulted by pain and pleasure simultaneously, she felt as if her pussy is getting stretched to its limit, this is of course not true because she has given birth to Rea but it's been 18 years since she gave birth.

Amon's cock is thicker than the dildo she bought and her dildo is thick, it's 7 inches long and 5.5 inches in diameter, she had trouble using it at first but she was able to do it and she loved the feeling but now her pussy is being stretched even further.

With Amon's 8 inches in length which he can increase but doesn't feel like doing it and also 8 inches in diameter, Megan's pussy is going to experience something she has never experienced before.

Megan tightened her pussy, her legs wrapped around Amon's waist, her eye rolled over and her finger dug into the already torn couch.

"~AANNNNNGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAA~". Megan screamed as loud as she could, since this is the first time she is taking anything this big and thick, she needs some time to get used to it.

Even though Amon told her that he isn't going to be easy on her, he is going easy on her. As soon as he went deep into her pussy, he didn't pull it out instantly and kept it there for a while, Megan was so lost in pleasure and pain that she didn't notice Amon is not moving.

It is all a mental game with Amon, one thing he knows about women is that they need attention, and the less you give it to them, the more they will crave it, especially a woman like Megan, someone who is in her late 30s, was not satisfied by her husband, living in a loveless marriage, trying to put on a tough mean shell at work, and every other way she can find to show the world that she is living a satisfying life but deep down she just needs that attention and care she craves for.

Amon will provide her with what she needs but it will be in a limited amount, first and foremost he is not looking for an equal who he will love, he is looking for someone who will obey him till the very end so he will always make sure that he is in control, he doesn't want to show Megan any kind of care right now, he will fuck with her mind and make her believe that she is the one who needs to fight for his attention and make her completely dependent on him.

And from the looks of it, he doesn't need to put too much effort into Megan as she has shown signs of extreme loyalty and obedience towards him, this just showed how mentally weak Megan is and how hard she has tried to put on a tough façade for her daughter so she can look up to her, too bad having an unreliable father caused Rea to have a lot of issues.

Amon admired this about Megan but at the end of the day, it didn't matter to him, now that she is his, no matter what façade she tries to put on, he will help her here and there to make her life a little better as she is now his property.

Seeing the face Megan is making, Amon smirked and started to move again, his hip started to move in a rhythm, not too fast and not too rough, no matter how much he wants to rough up Megan's pussy, he needs to let her get used to his cock.

"~AHHNNNN~ ~AHHNNNN~ AHHNNNN~ ~AHHNNNN~ ~AHHNNNN~ ~AHHNNNN~ ~AHHNNNN~ ~AHHNNNN~ ~AHHNNNN~ ~AHHNNNN~ ~AHHNNNN~ ~AHHNNNN~". Megan's whole body started to move with Amon's hip rhythm, her beautiful breasts started to bounce up and down creating a beautiful scene for Amon.

Megan's eyes returned to normal as she started to tear up from pleasure, the pain has already passed away and now she is showing nothing but pleasure, her mouth is wide open and her drool is dripping out of her mouth, her cheeks are completely blushed,

"Look at you, loving my cock, you should be very happy that you finally got to taste my cock with your pussy". Amon said and continued to fuck her.

"Yes baby~ I lo~love~ your co~cock, I~ I~ am so gla~glad that I decided to d~do this, I lo~love this feeling~ I love your cock, ~please~ keep fucking MEEEEEEEE~" She suddenly yelled as she felt the tip of Amon's cock smash onto her a-spot causing her to experience an electrifying pulse that traveled through her whole body.

She clenched up her pussy harder while Amon increased his phase and got a little rough, his abdomen started to smash against her crotch with his cock going completely in and out of her creating the slapping sound that filled the whole living room and with the involvement of her pussy fluid completely drenching Amon's cock, the slaps sounded like splats as if someone is slapping a still water surface.

"OHH~ MYY~ GODDDDDDDDD~, FUCKKKKKKKKK~ MY PUSSYYYYYY~ MY PUSSY IS GOING TO GET RIP~RIPPED APART~ NO~ NO~ NO~ NO~ NO~ NO~ NOOOOOOO, I~I CA~CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE~ FUCK MEEE~ ~AHHNNNNG~ ~ AHHNNNNG~ ~AHHNNNNG~ ~AHHNNNNG~ ~AHHNNNNG~ ~AHHNNNNG~ ~AHHNNNNG~ ~AHHNNNNG~ ~AHHNNNNG~ ~AHHNNNNG~ ~AHHNNNNG~ ~AHHNNNNG~". Megan is showing so signs of calming down, her moans are so loud that they could faintly be heard outside the house, if her house didn't have thick walls maybe the whole neighborhood would have heard her.

Amon loved when his women screamed out of their lungs which showed how much they are loving it and why wouldn't they, they are getting fucked by such a fat cock.

Seeing her thin neck gulping down saliva and breathing heavily, Amon couldn't help but get tempted to choke it, so he used his big hand and put it around Megan's neck and give it a nice squeeze, feeling her neck get choked, Megan's eyes contracted as she felt a different type of pleasure.

She had seen women getting their neck choked in porn and how they loved it, now she understands why, the feeling of her neck being squeezed limiting her breathing, and her inner throat touching each other felt really good and it is not just the physical aspect but mental as well, women like Megan love a dominant partner and when they get choked by their partner, they find it very hot.

As she got choked, her moans started to sound like an injured cat and Amon once again increased his phase, he started to ram her causing her lower body to bend upward every time Amon's smashed into her pussy.

Her eyes rolled over again as pleasure assaulted her more intensely than ever, she has both her hands wrapped around Amon's wrist as his hand is pressing down hard on her neck. This would definitely leave a mark behind on her neck.

After a few minutes of intense pounding, Megan started to spasm and scream in pleasure "~OHH MY GODDDDD~ I AM CUMMING~I AM CUMMING~I AM CUMMING~I AM CUMMING~I AM CUMMING~I AM CUMMING~I AM CUMMING~I AM CUMMING~I AM CUMMINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~". She moaned and her pussy started to squirt crazily, it was like water forcing its way out of a closed dam.

Amon pulled out his cock from her pussy causing her fluids to shoot out with extreme force, after a few seconds she stopped squirting but her body is still experiencing an intense long orgasm.

After a minute, Megan finally stopped and took a deep breath and a big smile appeared on her face, she never felt anything like this before, she couldn't believe how good sex felt, now she realized why her friend Shera was so into getting fucked, even outside her marriage.

Megan's husband has never made her feel like this before, he has never managed to get her to an orgasm, Megan always thought that she is one of those women who needs a lot of time to get an orgasm but she was proven wrong today, Amon made her orgasm twice now and that too under 15 minutes.

"I~ I loved it so much, can we do it again sometimes?" Megan voiced out while biting her lower lip, Amon smirked and laid on top of Megan getting very close to her face as he touched the side of her face with his hand, he then slowly moved his hands towards her neck and pressed on her Adam's apple causing her to gulp down.

His lips touched hers as he started to kiss her, his tongue entered her mouth and started to toy with her tongue, their saliva mixed together while Amon used his other hand to squeeze and play with her breast.

Megan closed her eyes and savored the kiss and let Amon have his way with her mouth, the kiss got very sloppy as a lot of salivae got exchanged between them, Amon pulled on her tongue and sucked on it like a lollipop.

As he continued to kiss her, he used his legs to spread Megan's legs which she didn't notice as she is too lost in kissing him, once he felt comfortable, he brought the tip of his cock and pressed it against Megan's pussy.

Megan, who felt Amon's cock on her pussy was taken by surprise as it has not even been a minute and her pussy is still very sensitive. "~WAI~". Before she could even say anything, Amon thrust into her again and started to mess up her pussy with his fat cock.

Megan's moans didn't sound like moans as her tongue is stretched and in Amon's mouth, her neck is being squeezed, her breasts are being played with, everything was giving Megan so much pleasure that she couldn't comprehend.

After another hardcore session, Megan orgasmed again but this time she didn't squirt, her pussy queefed a lot as she was out of fluids but she is not the only one who came, Amon also released a big load inside her.

Megan just rolled her eyes and held on tightly to Amon's body with her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, her body is still shaking from the intense orgasm as she clenches her teeth subconsciously from it.

Too bad for her, this was not the end, Amon is going to break her today. He lifted her up from the couch and got on his feet, Megan still hanging onto him while his cock is still deep inside her.

The couch is getting too small for Amon and he wants to do a lot more damage to Megan, he walked towards Megan's bedroom and entered it, he pushed open the door and saw a massive king size bed which has been neatly arranged, too bad Amon is going to ruin it.

He threw Megan on the bed and watched her get back up.

"As I said, I am going to use you a lot today and it's not over, get on all fours". Amon ordered. Megan nodded and got on all fours pointing her beautiful round ass towards him, Amon approached Megan and took a good look at her ass, and gave it a nice sharp slap, he loves playing with her ass because it is so perfect, it is thicc and round and makes the perfect ripple when getting slapped.

"ANNNN~" She yelled in pain as she felt her ass getting slapped by Amon, she felt her skin getting hot where she got slapped which caused her to feel pleasure, Amon didn't stop there, he slapped her again and continued slapping turning her smooth pale skin completely red, he also left a lot of handprints behind her.

Megan has completely lost energy in her hands as her head lay on the bed while her teeth are clenching onto the bedsheet with tears filling her eyes.

Amon loved seeing her in such condition, he then grabbed her hips and inserted his cock inside her pussy again, and started fucking her like before, Megan clenched her jaw harder while her fingers grabbed onto the bedsheet crumpling it, her grunts filled the bedroom as her whole body continued to get rocked.