Makeover With A Dildo

Amon continued to ruin her pussy with his fat cock. Megan has buried her face on the bed, biting onto the bedsheet with her eyes teared up to the brim, she is just lost in pleasure and couldn't comprehend anything else.

Her fingers have already ruined the bedsheet and now it is left with a lot of wear and tear because of her.

Amon's balls continued to smash against her labia filling the room with wet slap sounds, Megan's grunts accompanied them and created the perfect music for Amon's ears.

After a few minutes, Megan started to spasm again as she screamed out of her lungs while still biting onto the bedsheet making her completely not understandable.

Amon is also getting close so he released another huge load deep inside Megan's womb as Megan experienced another mind-blowing orgasm.

Amon removed his cock from her pussy which caused Megan's whole body to just ragdoll and fall flat on the bed, she has no strength left in her right now, she doesn't know if she can continue any further, she can't even think straight right now and is mumbling gibberish.

Amon smirked and got off the bed and started to look around, he is not done with Megan but he needs to let her rest for a while before he can continue again, till then he decided to check out Megan's room and see what else he can find about his cheating slut.

Right next to the bed, he saw a framed photo of Megan, Rea, and Stewart, he took the photo in his hand and looked at Megan, she looks to be in her early 20s in this photo and she looks stunning in this picture with her big eyes, perfect breasts, and wide hips, she was really a stunning woman in her 20s but that doesn't mean she is not stunning right now, she might have lost her youthful charm but has developed the seductive mature aura which elevates her and makes her more appealing to Amon's eyes, Rea is very small and has a very cute smile on her face as she is holding a lollipop in her hand, as he looks at the photo he couldn't help but acknowledge how much Rea looks similar to her mother in this photo compared to how Rea is now.

There is, of course, a lot of difference as Megan is much more gifted than Rea when it comes to ass and breasts but Amon doesn't discriminate, he loves them in all shapes and sizes and Rea's assets really elevate her looks, Amon loves how Rea looks right now. Stewart also looks a lot younger with his head full of hair, he is still skinny like now but at least he had a decent-looking face when he was young.

Right now, he looked washed up, has baggy eyes, is facing hair loss, the man is not just living the life, Amon pitied the man a little as he wondered how one could live such a miserable life.

He couldn't understand the struggles that the current mortals go through, all this running around trying to earn a little more so they can get a little more to elevate their status a little more, it felt like an endless struggle. In Amon's view, it was useless as they live a very short life and they will die with regret once they grow old if they look back and see what they have done.

Well at the end of the day, he is an immortal and he doesn't care about the struggles of mortals, even when he was a mortal he was living a better life than 90 percent of the current mortals. He will continue to live his endless life the way he likes and maybe steal a lot more women from their boyfriend or husband and seduce a lot more beauties.

He looked at Megan and saw that she is still trying to collect herself, he put the photo frame back on the stand and started looking through Megan's closet, he saw many clothes belonging to Megan, some of them are simple while some of them are a little fashionable, but the ones that Amon likes the most are the ones that are very revealing.

As he continued to look around her closet, he found something fun, he found Megan's secret cabinet so he opened it with no hesitation as he doesn't need a key to unlock it, he slides open the drawer and finds a few interesting things.

A lot of porn magazines, a few adult novels, and a nice sized dildo, he took a look at some of the porn magazines and found them filled with big men and big cock, Amon just chuckled seeing Megan's preference in men as he fits exactly in her criteria.

He also looked through the novels and found that the novels are based on domination and power play, Amon was not surprised by seeing this as he could already tell the type of woman Megan is.

He put the novels and magazines back into the cabinet and took out her dildo before locking the cabinet, he then returned to the bed and got right on top of Megan as she is lying on her stomach, he spread her ass cheeks and checked her butthole.

Since Megan is an anal virgin, Amon didn't fuck her ass yet, his cock is too big for her ass right now, even with lube if he tried to fuck her ass, he might tear it and it will be very annoying and painful for Megan to shit afterward.

He needs to train Megan's asshole until it can take his whole cock inside.

The dildo in his hand is still very big for Megan's asshole but he can work up to it and then introduce his own cock.

Megan is completely out of it and not aware of what Amon is about to do to her, her breathing has calmed down and she is in bliss right now, she loved this feeling and didn't want to let it go.

She felt Amon's sitting over her legs and stretching her ass, she didn't know what he is doing but she didn't try to stop him, he owned her right now and she has no right to question him.

Amon licked his finger and inserted it inside Megan's pussy, since it is still wet from all the squirting she did, he didn't have to stimulate her again. With his finger lubed up, he took it out and pressed it against Megan's asshole, and slowly inserted it deep into her asshole.

He could feel the warmness surrounding his finger as he went deeper, Megan was taken by surprise as she didn't expect Amon to insert his finger inside her asshole, her eyes widened and she felt a different kind of pleasure, it was not intense as when Amon spread her pussy with his cock, this was quite tame in comparison but it felt good.

Amon saw that Megan is back to normal so he started explaining. "You are an anal virgin aren't you?". Amon asked teasing her while twirling his finger inside her ass, Megan moaned softly in pleasure as she felt her inner walls being simulated.

"You like it, don't you?" Amon asked again to which Megan just nodded her head. "Good, because I am going to turn your ass into another fuckhole but first, I need to prepare it for my cock". Amon said and introduced another finger into her ass.

While his middle finger was still inside, he inserted his index finger in as well, Megan could only moan as she felt her ass being stretched, after a few seconds of playing around, Amon inserted another finger inside her ass.

This seems to be her limit right now as he could feel the pressure on his fingers reaching the limit, but Amon is not worried, he has big fingers and her asshole has been stretched quite a lot right now.

So taking this opportunity, he grabbed Megan's dildo and rubbed it against her wet pussy, Megan was surprised to see her dildo in Amon's hand, she doesn't know what he is about to do but she couldn't help but get curious.

"I am not going to fuck your ass today but, this will". Amon said and chuckled. He then placed the tip of the dildo right below his finger and slowly started pressing it inside while simultaneously pulling out his fingers.

Soon the head of the dildo was inside Megan's asshole, with it being a perfect fit, Amon started to push it deeper into Megan's asshole. When he felt resistance from Megan, he would slap her ass as a warning and make her loosen up again.

Megan clenched her teeth again and crumpled the bedsheet in her hands as she felt the dildo going deeper and deeper into her ass, once it was all in Amon left it there and turned Megan on her back to face him.

The look at her face pleased him. "Open your mouth". He ordered. She did as he ordered and opened her mouth only to find Amon's three fingers inside it, these are the same fingers that were inside her ass, as for them having shit in them, that was not possible as Amon completely eradicated it with just a thought while it was still inside her, Megan's asshole is completely shitless right now.

Megan's eyes widened as she felt the taste of her ass on Amon's finger, she felt his fingers pressing down on the back of her mouth and restricting her from breathing.

"Look at you, loving the taste of your own asshole, I expected nothing less from my slut". Amon said and started rubbing his cock on her pussy again before inserting it deep inside her pussy again, this time it felt a lot different because Megan's ass is occupied by her dildo and it is adding a lot of pressure on Amon's cock, it felt like fucking a virgin pussy.

Megan's mind went completely blank as both her holes are now completely stretched, her eyes rolled over with her mouth went wide open, Amon loves seeing this look on Megan's face so he continued to destroy her pussy.

He lifted up her legs and put them over his shoulder and then bent her in half by pushing her legs over her head, he then started to piledriver her pussy with his thick cock.

"~OOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~ I CAN'T~ I CAN'T DO THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~ THIS FEELSSSSSSSSS SO GOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~ FUCK ME MORE~ RUIN MY PUSSY AND ASSHOLE~ FUCK ME, MASTER~ KEEP FUCKING MEEEEEEE PLEASE~". Megan screamed as she continued to get her pussy destroyed while her ass was getting a complete makeover by her dildo.