Megan Is In Love

Megan has no idea where she is right now, the only thing she is aware of is the dildo in her ass while her pussy is being stretched by Amon's cock.

After another long banging session, Amon was finally satisfied as he released another massive load deep inside her before taking his cock out of her pussy.

Megan's pussy continued to pulse and spew out his cum as it dripped down on her bedsheet, the dildo that was deep inside her ass also started to slide out of her asshole as Amon was not there holding it in.

The dildo popped out and rested between her legs. Amon looked at the result he created and smiled. "You should clean up, Rea will be home soon". Amon said and walked out of the bedroom and headed towards the kitchen and took a can of cola and drank it.

Now that he has conquered Megan, he wants to move on to his next target. He would love to get his hands on Caroline right now but he has not encountered an opportunity that he can take advantage of.

He might have to create his own opportunity but decided to wait for a while, if an opportunity doesn't arrive, he will create it himself.

He returned to Megan's bedroom and saw her sitting up while she is resting her back against the headboard of the bed, her eyes are clear now indicating that she is in the right state of mind.

Megan looked at his naked frame and couldn't help but bite her lips displaying her attraction towards him, his chiseled body with wide shoulders, big arms, big chest, strong legs, and a big penis hanging between his legs, and to top it all, his handsome face. It was as if the gods themselves sculpted him using all their time and skill to make him look perfect.

Amon smiled seeing Megan checking him out.

"Are you able to get up?" Amon asked to which Megan shakes her head in denial. "No, my legs are completely numb, I don't think I will be able to walk today". She answered.

"Well you should rest then, Rea will be back soon, hope she doesn't see how much of a slut you are". Amon said with a smirk on his face, Megan just blushed hearing Amon call her a slut, she recalled what just happened and how long they did it and how she loved every second of it.

"But first". Amon said and walked closer to her and lifted her up in his arms with ease and brought her to the bathroom and put her right under the shower and turned it on, he also joined her and washed her body while feeling her breasts and ass.

Megan just moaned in pleasure as her sensitive parts were being played with, Amon pressed her to her knees and put his cock inside her mouth for one last deepthroat.

After he was done cleaning Megan up after the deepthroat, he brought her back to her room and placed her back on the bed, she was so happy right now that she didn't even notice that her bed was completely clean and there was no sign of a tear or cum on it.

This, of course, was made possible by Amon. With his powers, nothing is impossible and he made sure that Megan never thinks about it, Amon placed Megan on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

Megan felt loved and protected as Amon did this, her husband could never do this and didn't even try to show affection towards her but Amon did, maybe back in the day when they just got married Stewart showed some affection towards her but it all stopped soon after, and after Rea was born Stewart got very busy and Megan was left all alone in her house taking care of Rea.

Because of this, a rift started to appear in their relationship and soon they grew distant, once Rea was big enough to attend school, Megan began working and soon she got busy in her own world, she stopped loving her husband five years into their marriage and the only reason she continued to stay married with Stewart was all because of Rea.

She knew how much of a negative impact a child could have when exposed to such a situation, though Megan and Stewart didn't have a good relationship they didn't argue as both of them had a very busy life and didn't interact with each other much often, and if by chance they started to argue, Stewart would back off as he is doesn't know how to handle a confrontation, especially if it is a woman, this caused Megan to win every argument very quickly.

During these long 18 years of being married, Megan never felt loved and protected by her husband but now she is getting overwhelmed by all these emotions because of a man she just met a few days ago, she realized that she has fallen in love with Amon.

She felt happy and excited, now she didn't even care if she cheated on her husband, he didn't matter to her at all, the only people who are now important in Megan's life are Rea and her new love, Amon.

Amon saw the look in Megan's eyes and he could tell she has deeply fallen in love with him and he didn't mind it, this is a good thing.

Though she will not receive the same feelings from Amon, she will still be very privileged and will be considered one of his main lovers.

"Rest well, who knows I might come back for another round". Amon said and brought his face closer to her and gave her a passionate kiss as their tongue twirled around in each other's mouths.

Amon stopped kissing her and bid him farewell and walked out of her house while Megan watched his back with deep affection reflected in her eyes for him. Clothes suddenly materialized over Amon's body as he walked out of Megan's house and looked up at the sky and figured out that it is already past 4:30 PM.

He then looked at the new car that is right in front of him and smiled, he bought this car for one reason only, to have sex on the go, he walked up to the car and tried to open the door and realized that he doesn't have to key but that didn't bother him.

He just thought of it and the key materialized in his hand as it simultaneously disappeared from the key hanger in Megan's house.

He unlocked the car and went for a ride, he didn't go too far and just drove around the neighborhood to scout it. From what he could see, every person living in his neighborhood is rich but now wealthy, the most these people earn is around a hundred thousand to a million dollars.

If Amon wants to find the posh, rich, neighborhood with billionaires, he will have to go to the eastern part of the city and since his neighborhood is close to the central part of the city, he might have to drive for a while if he plans to buy an expensive house there.

After scouting his neighborhood, Amon found some interesting neighbors who he might in interested in but he won't make his move right now.

He returned to his house and noticed that Rea is back from school as he could hear her talking with Megan inside her house.

Amon ignored them and went straight to his room and began playing some online shooters and started trash-talking little kids and made them quit with rage, some of them even cried and called their mom to defend themselves and in response, Amon just started flirting with them which slowly turned into a casual or flirting conversation.

Not only did Amon make those shitty kids cry but also charmed their mother with just his voice and might even bang them if he gets the chance because he noticed some of them are quite attractive as he really doesn't need to be there to see their faces.