Back Home

On the drive back home, Rea couldn't help but talk and express her happiness, she spoke about her day, her friends, and how she spends most of her day.

Amon enjoyed the conversation back home as well, while most people would get annoyed by how much Rea was talking, it was very different from Amon because it's been quite a while since he had pointless conversations just for the sake of having it.

He remembered those days when he was just a mortal and how he would talk with his neighbors and people around him about their daily lives, complain about the authorities, and spread false gossip, those days were simple but chaotic at the same time, the olden days were quite simple but the chance of someone ending up dead all of a sudden was also quite common.

Amon lived his whole mortal life thinking he might die from an unknown disease or get killed so he lived a life where he pursued pleasure and money.

But now things have changed as he has become immortal and omnipotent but the habits he has developed have become stronger, his lust for women and money seems to have become stronger and because of this he couldn't help but stare at Rea and check out her body, he couldn't wait to get his hands on it. He could, of course, do it right now, bend her over and fuck her pussy till he gets satisfied but it will kill the satisfaction that Amon is looking for.

It will feel a lot better when things play out the way he wants, Rea is already in the grasp of his hands and he will have to look for the perfect moment to claim her.

They returned back to their house and Amon kissed her goodbye on the lips and went back to his own apartment, Rea also hopped back to her house happily while her heart continued to race faster and faster from the excitement she is feeling.

She entered the house and noticed that most of the lights in the house are turned off indicating that her dad still hasn't come back from work, she didn't give it any thought because she really didn't care about him at all, throughout her whole life he was rarely available for her so it was hard for her to care about him.

But she did care a lot for Megan so she walked towards Megan's room to check on her, as she got close to Megan's room, she heard moans coming from inside.

Hearing these moans, Rea got a little worried about her mom and slowly pushed the door open to check on her but when she looked through the gap she has created by opening the door slightly, she was surprised by what she saw.

She saw her mother using a big realistic dildo as she rammed it deep inside her pussy, the sound of the dildo slushing inside her pussy filled her room even with the sound of the music being played on the tv accompanying it.


Megan's moans started to get louder as she screamed Amon's name, her body suddenly started to shake violently as she yanked the dildo out of her pussy which was followed by a gush of liquid that sprayed like a fountain and completely drenched her bedsheet.


Rea who just witnessed her own mother pleasuring herself was caught by surprise, she soon snapped out of her surprised state and slowly backed away to the front door and opened the door to slam it shut hard again.

"Honey, is that you?". Rea heard her mom's voice as she was expecting. "Yes mom, I just returned". Rea lied, she didn't want her mom to know that she watched her pleasuring herself and calling out Amon's name while doing so.

Because of that, she wanted to play it off as if she just arrived back home.

"Oh, how was the dinner?" Megan asked as she seems to be fixing something judging from the irregularity in her voice.

"It was great, I am going to my room now". Rea replied and went upstairs.

Megan who was inside her room sighed in relief, she got so lost in her fantasy that she forgot her daughter was out eating dinner with Amon, she was also glad that her daughter didn't see her pleasuring herself, if she did, Megan would have been really embarrassed and would have found herself in a state where she wouldn't be able to explain her actions.


Upstairs inside Rea's room, Rea is lying on her bed as she stares at the ceiling thinking about what she just witnessed. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of the image which is now stuck in her head. The image of her mother pleasuring herself with a massive dildo while screaming the name of the man she is in love with.

'Does mom also like Daddy?' She questioned herself. 'But how could she? she is married to dad!'. She started to feel conflicted about it, she didn't know what to do, if her mom really liked Amon, should she tell Amon about it? Should she feel jealous of her own mother and make it clear to her mom that Amon is hers and she is not allowed to like Amon or should she just back and let her mother be with Amon.

But this again conflicted with the idea of her mom being married to her dad, she saw how happy and pleased her mom looked while pleasuring herself and calling out Amon's name, she has never seen her mom like that around her dad.

She loves her mom a lot and she is willing to sacrifice everything for her, she then started to see the possibility of her mom being with Amon and how good they would look together.

'Mom is so beautiful, I wouldn't be surprised if Daddy likes her' Rea thought.

'I hope I will look as beautiful as my mom when I am her age'. Rea thought as the memories of Megan pleasuring herself flashed inside her mind again.

'It was really shocking, mom looked so sexy while she was doing it, and how could she fit such a big thing inside her vagina? and the words she was using to describe herself, it was so vulgar in nature but why did I get so excited hearing them?' Rea questioned herself as she felt her pussy getting wet.

She lowered one of her hands down and started to touch her pussy through her shorts, feeling her wet shorts, she realized that she needs to change them, they were already wet from earlier because of the kiss she shared with Amon.

Thinking back to the kiss they had, Rea felt even hornier, she pulled down her shorts and touched her pussy directly, she used just one finger and glided it between her slit, slowly stimulating herself, she then moved a little upward and started rubbing her clit.

She bit her lip as she felt zinging sensation travel through her whole body, she increased the pace of her hand while moving on to two fingers. She then started to get a little aggressive with her clit causing her to moan a little louder than before.

"~mnffff~ annn~ daddy~ mnmmm~" She moaned and gulped down the saliva accumulating inside her mouth. As she played the kiss she had with Amon in her mind, she used her other hand to suck on it and use her fingers as a substitute for Amon's tongue which was wreaking havoc inside her mouth a few hours ago.

Though it couldn't compare to the real thing, it was enough for her, Rea got completely lost in her own fantasy while pleasuring herself, her soft moans mixed with the sound of her playing with her fingers with her tongue sounded very sultry, and the visual of her small wet pussy being rubbed made her look irresistible.

If Amon was present in the room right now, he wouldn't care about the chase and its satisfaction, he would jump straight in and ruin Rea's tight virgin pussy with his massive cock and turn her into his personal cum slut by tomorrow morning.