Driving Her To Work

Both Rea and her mom Megan spent the night thinking about the same man while the man in question was throwing insults at teenagers active in the online lobby.

Amon didn't know what made him act in such a way when playing online but he loved every second of it. With his omnipotence in the play, there was no way anyone or anything in the omniverse could defeat him unless it was another omnipotent being and it will only end up in a draw.

Amon spent the whole night playing games until morning, feeling the light enter through his window he realized that it was daytime again, and he has a job to attend to.

It is college day so he is excited to see what happens today, while high school is filled with many nice looking girls, it's the college where most girls become the best looking version of themselves and it is from there where they either become even more beautiful and elegant or will fall from their grace because of bad life choices.

College is the perfect hunting ground for someone like Amon.

As he looks at the clock hung over the tv, he decides to play a little more as he still has a few more hours, after two hours he finally stopped playing and puts down the controller, and gets up.

With just a thought he changed the clothes he is wearing into something different, a white t-shirt and jeans and a black leather jacket over the top, he then created a sunglass out of nothing over his eyes and walked out of his apartment.

On his way down the stairs the smile on his face widened as he saw someone waiting for him downstairs, he looked at Megan who is waiting outside her door wearing a sexy one-piece dress just like a few days ago when they had just begun their naughty relationship.

Megan saw Amon walk down the stairs and walk towards her, her heartbeat sped up as she tried to calm down by taking deep breaths but before she could even collect her thoughts and calm down Amon was already in front of her.

Without saying a word, he put his arm around her slim waist and pulled her closer pressing his lower body against hers.

Megan felt dizzy in his strong arms, her heart started to beat faster as she gazed into his beautiful eyes as he removed his glasses.

"I hope you slept well". Amon commented while lifting up her chin, Megan felt like a young teenager in love again, her stomach was crunching as this moment happened.

Megan just nodded her head to his question, Amon just smiled and without warning kissed her, Megan opened up her mouth to let Amon invade it with his tongue and he was not subtle about it, he got very rough with her tongue causing a lot of salivae to build-up inside their mouth.

"~mnmmm~" Megan moaned as she got completely lost in Amon's kiss, her lipstick is completely ruined but she doesn't care. Amon, on the other hand, is enjoying Megan's body, he put his hands on her ass and gave it a nice squeeze, and started to massage it and why wouldn't he, she has the ass that asks to get groped and slapped.

After he had his fun with her ass, he pushed her against her door and put his hand around her neck, and choked her lightly, he then got a little close to her and lifted up her dress to reveal the black underwear she is wearing.

He then put his other hand inside her underwear and started to rub her pussy. "How is my pussy doing? I hope you are taking good care of it". He said and inserted his fingers inside her pussy and started to mess it up from inside.

"~anngg~" Megan moaned as her legs went weak from the pleasure that assaulted her body, she wouldn't have been able to stand if Amon didn't have his hand around her neck choking her.

"I pro~promise to take good care of it~ it for you". Megan said while moaning.

Her body stiffed up and she started to shake as she felt a powerful orgasm coming her way, Amon moved her underwear to the side as she started to leak out.

"Look at this, wetting yourself at your age and that too in front of your own house". Amon teased as a puddle formed under Megan, Megan was embarrassed but this made Amon want to ravage her even more but not right now, he has special plans for her tonight.

He removed his fingers from her pussy and put them inside her mouth and let them suck it clean and she did it without hesitation while maintaining eye contact with Amon, there is never a moment between them where there is no sexual tension between them.

After she sucked his finger clean, he pulled it out of her mouth and kissed her again.

"Come, I will drop you off at your work today". Amon said and pointed at his car, Megan nodded and joined him in his car as Amon started it and drove out of their building.

While this happened, Megan had no idea someone had witnessed her and Amon getting it of, it was her neighbor, a middle-aged fat bald rich man who has his eyes on every beautiful woman in the neighborhood.

And Megan is definitely in his top 5 in the neighborhood along with her daughter, when he saw Megan being played around by his new neighbor and that too right outside their house, he found his chance to get his hands on Megan.

He has been eyeing her for quite a while now and he finally got his chance, he quickly recorded them and decided to use the video to blackmail Megan later.

The fat man couldn't help but grin from ear to ear thinking about the things he will do to Megan, what he doesn't know is that Amon already knew about him watching them, one cannot just sneak up on an Omnipotent being like Amon.

Amon decided to let the man fantasize about Megan for now, what Amon really wants is not the fat man but his wife, being the rich fuck he is, he has a very beautiful wife who is a model.

Amon couldn't help but admire the fat man for wanting more even though he has a stunning wife but rich and powerful men are like that, they can never have enough. Too bad for the fat man, Amon is about to ruin his life.


"Will your husband be home today?" Back in the car, Amon asked as he continued driving. "Yes, he will be, he has not been home for a few days now and it's not like he cares". She said.

"Good, have me for dinner tonight, I want to eat your cooking". Amon said. "Oh, what do you want to eat?" Megan asked excitedly knowing that Amon will join her for dinner tonight.

"I love chicken, as for the rest you decide, I am really not a picky eater". Amon said. "Don't worry, I will cook up something really delicious for you". She said as she started to plan for tonight's dinner.

"But I need something else right now". Amon said. Megan looked at him curious about what he wanted right now. "What can I do for you?" She asked. "You know what I want". Amon replied. Megan looked at Amon's crotch and knew what she needed to do right now.

She brought her head closer to his pants and unzipped it and took out his flaccid cock, she then proceeded to put it inside her mouth and started sucking on it.

His cock expanded inside her mouth completely filling her, once it was full size, she found it hard to keep it all in, and with the position, she is in right now, it's even harder to fit such a big cock inside her mouth but that didn't stop her from giving Amon a nice road head.

"Let's get you to speed up a little". Amon said and grabbed a handful of her hair and started to force her head down his cock causing Megan to choke on it.


But he is not the only one who is loving it right now, as he stopped in front of the traffic light, the driver in the car parked next to him saw what is happening as the window on Amon's side is rolled down.

The man is dressed in a nice suit and he drives a nice car but it is not as expensive as Amon's, the man was quite surprised by how bold Amon and this woman are, he couldn't see Megan because Amon is holding her down on his cock but from what he could see, her figure looks quite appealing to him.

He then looked at Amon and Amon looked at him and gave him a nod, the man also nodded back and gave him a thumbs up with a cheeky smile.