New Student

After dropping off Megan at her office, Amon made his way towards the college. When he arrived in front of his college, his car grabbed the attention of many people. Even though his car doesn't stand out compared to those sports and supercars, it is still a very expensive car and people know about expensive cars, especially college students.

They wondered who the owner of this car is, some girls even had their eyes locked on the car as they wanted to know who this car belongs to.

Amon drove past the student parking area and entered the teacher's parking which surprised most of the students as they didn't expect this car to belong to a teacher.

As Amon drove into the teacher's parking building, his arrival was noticed by a certain woman who had also just gotten here, she had just parked her white SUV and gotten out of it when she heard the sound of Amon's car engine roaring.

She looked as the red car enter her sight. She could tell the car is an expensive one being the person she is, she has always lived a high-end life so she can tell when something is expensive, even though she doesn't know the model of the car, she knows it's top of the line.

Wondering who the owner of this car is, she decided to stay for a few seconds and find out, luckily for her, the car drove right towards her and parked right next to her.

She turned her head and tried to look through the tinted window but she couldn't see anything but her own reflection of her stunning face. The car door finally opened and she finally saw the owner of the car.

She was surprised and wondered how this person could own such an expensive car.

"Amon?" She questioned out loud. Amon got out of his car and towered over the woman as she is standing very close to his car, he looked at her and smiled. "Caroline". He called her name.

"It's a very nice car, did you borrow it from someone?" She asked. She didn't assume it to be his car because he is just a teacher and a very young one, no matter how good his salary is, he shouldn't be able to afford one of these.

Even she didn't dare to spend money so blatantly even though her husband is a millionaire, to own a car like this they need a large amount of liquid money and even most millionaires don't have money like that, most of their money is invested in their assets.

"No, this is my car, I just bought it". Amon said while placing his hand over it. "I didn't know a teaching job was paying so much, I hope you didn't spend all your money on it?" She asked with a questioning look, if he really spent all his money on an expensive car, she would really be disappointed with him. What is the use of all those good looks if you are stupid?

"Hahaha, even if I want to spend all my money, I wouldn't be able to. The thing is I have a lot of money that I inherited and I don't think I will be able to spend it all in my lifetime. I don't want to brag but the money I spent on this car is just chump change". Amon said. Amon really doesn't like to brag, but a woman like Caroline who values money more than anything in the world wouldn't give a crap if he is bragging or not.

Even if she thinks he is shallow, she wouldn't care because he has a lot of money, and having any type of relationship with him will be beneficial to her.

"Oh, I didn't know you were so rich". Just like Amon expected, she just played along with him realizing that he is fucking rich. "Well, my ancestors were royalty and every generation produced a lot of wealth which led to me inheriting it all being the only heir that I am". Amon explained.

"I see... If you have so much money, then why teach?" She asked. "Why not? it's not like I need to do anything to live a life of luxury but it gets boring, it's better to blend in and do something to busy yourself or you will turn into a snob". Amon explained.

She didn't question him any further and joined him as they made their way to their office.

Some students who noticed Amon get out of his car were also surprised by this and it didn't take long before the whole college knew that Amon is rich.

Once both Caroline and Amon reached their office, they prepared themselves for their class and went their separate ways, Julian's first class is on finance so he made his way towards the lecture hall where the students should already be waiting for him.

As he entered the hall, the students got on their feet and welcomed him, he told them to sit down and looked at them. Today the class seems much less rowdy than last time, he swept his eye across the whole classroom and saw similar faces waiting for him to start the class.

Some of these similar faces are Emory and Skyla who are looking at him with interest as well, for Emory, Amon is already her favorite teacher. As for Skyla, Amon is someone who rejected her which hurt her ego.

He also saw a new face and he is really surprised by how beautiful this new face is, she has black hair which reaches her shoulders, sharp facial features, plump lips, slightly brown skin, a sharp nose, and big eyes which are grayish-black in color.

She is wearing a formal cotton shirt but it didn't stop her figure from being noticed, her breasts seem to have a perfect size, and she is also wearing a black skirt that hugged her hips allowing her hips to stand out becoming a delight to Amon's eyes.

(Picture here)

The moment Amon's eyes fell on her, he knew he wanted her.

The girl noticed Amon looking at her and felt shy and slowly lowered her head as her heart started to beat faster.

"You, new girl, is this your first class by me?". Amon asked. The girl knew that Amon was talking to her so she lifted her head and nodded at him. "I see, what's your name?". Amon asked. "It's Violet Moretti". She answered.

"Nice to meet you, Violet. I hope you pay attention during class". Amon said and started his class, even though he wants Violet badly, he knows he cannot approach her directly, just from the interaction he had with her just now, he could tell that she is a shy one, just like his little Rea.

Amon taught his class just like he did in his previous ones, he was clear to the point and always answered the questions his students asked, even if they were dumb.

Since the topic of today's class ended fifteen minutes early, he ended the class which his students appreciated, even Emory, who loves his class was happy as a little free time is always appreciated.

All his students thanked him as they walked out of the class, Violet, his very new student walked up to him trying her best not to look shy or awkward, Amon looked at her wondering what she wanted so he asked her. "Violet, is there anything I can do for you?". Hearing his question Violet nodded her head and said. "Since I missed a few classes, I was wondering if I could use your help in getting some notes". She said. Amon wasn't expecting this, she could have asked one of her classmates for their notes but she decided to approach him.

Amon's gear started to spin and he got to know Violet a little better than before. He smiled at her and said. "No problem". He then turned his head towards Emory who is packing up her bag and called her. "Emory". Emory lifted her head and looked at Amon wondering what he wants. "Yes Sir?".

"Can you help Violet with your notes, she missed a few of my classes and it looks like she needs some help". Amon explained, Emory looked at Violet causing Violet to turn her head away from her shyly. "Don't worry sir, I will help her". Emory said with a smile.

"See, problem solved, if you need anything ask Emory, she is a bright student and she wouldn't mind helping, would you Emory?". Amon asked Emory. "I will do my best to help her". Emory said as she is kind-hearted.

"See, problem solved". Amon said to which Violet nodded her head and walked away, leaving Emory confused, Amon just chuckled and looked at Emory. "Emory, try to look after her, she doesn't seem comfortable around people and seems to be very shy, try to be her friend but don't overwhelm her, ok?". Amon said.

Emory was surprised to hear Amon "May I ask, how do you know?" She asked. "Well, it's the perk of being very observant and I also have a Ph.D. in psychology so it wasn't hard to see through her". Amon explained. Hearing him Emory was even more impressed by him. To her, Amon was really the perfect teacher, someone she came to admire more and more.

"Now go after her, she might feel awkward walking alone in the hallway". Amon said. Emory nodded her head and rushed after Violet.


Just like Amon said, Violet seemed a little uncomfortable around other people so she stuck closer to the wall and walked. "Violet". She heard someone call her name so she turned around and saw Emory running towards her. "Hey, let's walk together. Since you are new to campus, I will show you around". She said and put her arm around Violet's and dragged her away.

Emory spent some time showing Violet around the campus and by now Violet grew comfortable around Emory so she started to speak up a little and tried to find out more about Emory.

They both sat down inside the library and talked with smiles on their faces, some boys in the library couldn't help but sneak peek at them as they are two beautiful girls with beautiful smiles talking to each other.

"You know, Amon Sir was right about you". Emory said. "Amon sir? What did he say?" Violet asked. "Well, he said that you are socially awkward and would need some help to get used to people around you". Emory didn't spell out everything Amon told her but it was enough, Violet was also surprised by this. "How did he know?" She asked. She thought she did her best to not act nervous or shy and to her success, most of the students didn't pick up on it.

"Well, Amon Sir is really amazing, he has multiple PhDs, one of them is Psychology, he is also very good at other stuff as well, he is also very handsome and tall, not to forget muscular. Almost every girl in the college has a crush on him, including me.

How about you, do you think he is hot?". Emory asked with a smile on her face. "Well, he is very good-looking and I find him attractive". She said as her face blushed up as she looked down. "Oh my god, look at you, you are totally crushing on him. Well, I don't blame you, I am just like you. So tell me, was it at first sight?" Emory asked.

"Well, when he looked at me, my heart started to beat really fast, I don't know how I felt that time but I couldn't stop looking at him during the class". Violet said.

"Hehehe, as I said, I don't blame you, I too cannot look away from him but his teaching acts as a distraction for me". Emory said.

They both continued to talk and became fast friends in an instant, Violet is also very happy as Emory is her very first friend.