Snooping Around Leads To Trouble But For Some, Opportunity!

Amon didn't know that his involvement with Emory and Violet will create a beautiful friendship. Now that the class was empty, Amon picked up his stuff and returned to his office.

As he got close to his office, he heard the sound of keyboard keys clacking from inside and he knows it was not Caroline because she is known to drag her classes to the very last minute even if she finished the material she prepared for the class.

Now filled with intrigue, Amon made his way towards his office with an increased pace but he also made sure that he doesn't make any sound, and just like he expected, there was someone inside snooping around.

With a smirk on his face, Amon pushed the door opened and saw the culprit looking at Caroline's computer screen. Amon looked at the culprit and was surprised by who it was, but he also found it very interesting. The culprit is the same boy that Caroline humiliated in front of the crowd when he tried to confess to her.

The boy suddenly stood up in fear as he saw Amon enter. His heart started to beat very fast as he realized he got caught and he is in big trouble right now.

"What are you doing here?" Amon asked while looking at the boy. "Sir, Miss Caroline asked me to fetch something for her from her computer." The boy quickly came up with an excuse to justify his presence and action here in Caroline and Amon's office.

Too bad for him, Amon knows he is lying. "Don't lie to me boy, I know Caroline won't tell you to do anything with her computer as they shouldn't be accessed by anyone other than the assigned teacher. I know you are snooping around," Amon said, and what he said is true. A student is not allowed to touch a teacher's computer as there are many important files stored in them and the students also knew this.

And luck is not favoring the boy today, he is not a student here in college, in fact, he is from high school and that is why he didn't know about students not being allowed to touch a teacher's computer or Caroline being a married woman. He was just a hormonal teenager who was smitten by Caroline's beauty.

"I am sorry sir, please don't tell anyone, or I will be suspended," The boy begged and tried to get himself out of this situation, but Amon stopped him. "Sit down". The boy listened to him and sat back in Caroline's chair and looked at Amon nervously.

Amon approached the boy and looked at Caroline's computer screen. He was surprised to see that the computer was unlocked. The boy seems to have found a way to access her computer. Maybe he found the password somewhere, but it didn't matter.

What matters right now is what the boy has unearthed. Amon looked at Caroline's screen and saw a lot of shady things. It looks like she is taking money from both parents and students to give them a passing grade or increase their scores to make them look a little better in the eyes of outsiders, and the money she is taking is not small either.

Since this is college and the results will affect the jobs of the students in the future so some parents won't shy away from paying a lot of money, and some students will even spend all their savings to get a passing grade.

This is a very serious crime, and it looks like Caroline has fallen very deep into it. Seeing this, the smile on Amon's face got bigger and bigger by the second. The boy, of course, didn't notice this, as he was too scared to look at Amon. His eyes were staring at his own hands, which are shivering in fear.

He knows that he might get expelled and he just hopes Amon goes easy on him. "Did you copy this data?" Amon asked. "No, I didn't. You came before I could copy them," He said and Amon knew he was telling the truth.

"You are very brave. What were you planning to do with this information?" Amon asked. "She humiliated me so I wanted to get back at her," The boy said. "You are quite an idiot, I must say. If she finds out that you were blackmailing her, and trust me she will, you would be in even more trouble. Humiliation will be the last thing on your mind," Amon said.

The boy didn't answer back, but he knew Amon is right; he was too consumed by the idea of revenge. "Here, copy everything on her computer in this" Amon said and handed him over a drive that he created from nothing, the boy wondered why Amon would want them, but he did as Amon asked as he knows he is not in a position to question Amon's action.

The boy copied all the data from Caroline's computer into Amon's drive. He left nothing behind. Even normal folders were copied, as Amon told him to do so.

Once it was done, the boy unplugged the USB and handed it over to Amon.

"Now onto you, I can keep this a secret, but you did something that is against the college's rules. What should I do with you?" Amon questioned. "Sir, please keep this a secret. I promise I won't do it again," He begged. "What's your name, boy?" Amon asked. "It's Brian," He answered. "Listen, Brian, even though you broke the rules of the college, you helped me in a way so I will not hand you over to the principal but there will be consequences to your actions, tell your mother to meet me, and I will talk to her personally," Amon ordered.

Brian was relieved but tensed as well, Amon promised that he will not hand him over to the principal which means that he will not be expelled from his school, but his mother is still going to find out about his actions and there will be hell waiting for him at home.

But knowing that his mother is going to be the lesser evil, he decided to do as Amon said.

"Now, get out before Caroline comes back". Hearing Amon's words, the boy ran out of his office in a hurry. Once he was out, he quickly called his mother.

"Mom, I need you to come to the college," He said. "College? What are you doing there?" A mature but seductive-sounding voice came from the other side, but he didn't think so as she is his mother. "I messed up. I need you to meet with this teacher. If you don't, he will hand me over to the principal and I will get expelled," He said while trying to calm his beating heart.

"Brian Dillons, WHAT DID YOU DO?" The voice from the other side asked him with an authoritative tone. "Mom, please just come here and I will explain," He said and ended the call.

On the other side of the phone, a stunning middle-aged woman looked at her phone with worry. She couldn't tell what her son has done, but from hearing his voice, she could tell that he messed up big.

"I need to get ready and head there," She said and put away her phone and got ready.


Back in the college, inside Amon's office, Amon is sitting in his chair and looking at the USB in his hand. He couldn't help but smile looking at it. He has been waiting for something which he can use against Caroline for him to make her his and now he has it and he already knows what he needs to do with it.

He will make Caroline come to him. He won't even have to make a move on her. Suddenly, the door of the office opened and Caroline walked in. She saw Amon looking at the drive and smiling. "You seem very happy. What happened?" She asked curiously. "Nothing, something I was waiting for is finally in my hands," Amon said with a smile. Caroline nodded her head and sat behind her desk and turned on her computer and started working on it.

She has no idea that her computer has been broken into and every shady thing she has done here has been copied into the USB in Amon's hand.

While working Caroline sneak peeked at Amon as she remembered her conversation with her husband and how he told her to be careful around Amon, 'A man who doesn't show interest in you is either gay or is someone very dangerous' these were the words that came out of her husband's mouth.

Now she was curious. Knowing that Amon is also very rich, the barrier that she had built in front of her against Amon has already been dropped. She got off her chair and walked towards Amon's desk.

Amon noticed her approach and looked at her, wondering what she wants. "Can I help you with something?" Amon asked. Caroline put her hands on his table and bend down a little, causing her massive cleavage to reveal itself to Amon. Amon looked at her cleavage for a brief second before looking straight into her eyes.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked. Hearing her Amon smiled wide and nodded his head "Ask away".