Shiana Needs A Servant

As Caroline drifted into her sleep, she didn't know that her assumption was spot on, except Amon did fool around with her a little.

When both of them were inside their office, Amon could smell how horny Caroline was and he knew that as soon as she leaves, she will pleasure herself or wait for her husband so he decided to play with her mind by implanting a thought inside her head.

When she haves sex and is enjoying pleasuring herself, she will think about him, it was a simple mind manipulation that made Caroline think about him during her most pleasurable moments, and luckily for her Amon didn't make this permanent as he felt it would be too potent for a human such as Caroline.

Imagine thinking about someone during your most intimate moments every time. Soon these thoughts will take over and the person will become obsessed with the person they are thinking about. This would make Caroline a very easy catch for Amon. Of course, he wouldn't mind if Caroline just gets on her knees in front of him and beg for his cock, but Amon has a very specific plan for Caroline.


It's almost dusk and one could hear moans coming from Shiana's house. Even though they are faint, one would easily hear them if someone walks close to her house.

Inside Shaina's bedroom, Shiana's face shows a degenerate expression with her eyes completely glazed while her mouth is wide open with her tongue out and salivae leaking out from the sides of her mouth as her body is folded in half while getting piledrived by Amon.

"~MASTAAA~ IAM CUMMING~IAM CUMMING~IAM CUMMING~CUMMING~CUMING~CUMNG~CUMINGGGGGGGGG", Shiana moaned loudly as she felt another powerful orgasm rushing through her body and out of her stuffed pussy. "Then cum you slut, I give you permission to cum!" Amon ordered. "~THANKYOU MASTAAAAAA~", Shiana yelled out as her body started to quiver violently, her pussy juice forced its way out of her pussy even though it is stuffed full with Amon's cock, Amon also is very close to cumming so he sped up his pounding and released another massive load deep down inside her womb.

After he came, he pulled out his massive cock from her pussy, causing his cum to spurt out of her gaping pussy as it continued to pulsate.

Shiana lay motionless on her bed while breathing heavily. Tears are running down from the side of her face and there is still some sticky cum stuck to the top of her mouth connecting down to her tongue.

"I love when you are like this. It makes me want to fuck you again, " Amon said while enjoying the view in front of him. "Th_then fuck me aga_again master! After all, t_this pussy belongs to y_youuu," Shiana said while collecting her breath.

"Hahaha, I would love to fuck you again but there is someone else waiting to get pounded tonight", Amon said and started to put on his shirt, Shiana looked at Amon, almost jealous of this woman who is going to get fucked by Amon tonight, and looking at her face Amon could already tell what Shiana is thinking. "Now, now, no need to be greedy, I will continue to keep fucking you for the rest of your life", Amon said with a smirk, seeing the smirk on his face sent chills down Shiana's spine as she realized that this casual relationship that she agreed to be in with Amon is no longer casual anymore, she knows that she is his, she belongs to him and no one else.

It is a completely one-sided commitment from her towards him and not the other way around, and she cannot do anything but go with it because she realized that she is addicted to Amon and no man will ever be able to please her. Amon knew that this would happen to her when they agreed to this relationship. She realized that she fell into his trap, but this didn't make her feel controlled or uncomfortable at all. She felt happy.

She looked at Amon and admired his godly physic and saw his cock still covered with her pussy juice. "Master, let me at least clean your cock for you, " she said as she wanted to taste his cock one last time before he leaves.

"No let it be, I want that woman to taste it just like this, she will have to take it inside her mouth knowing that it has been inside another woman and she won't be able to do anything other than accept it and taste you on my cock," Amon said and laughed while Shiana looked at his cock with intensity, she could imagine this behemoth inside that woman while she tastes Shiana's pussy on it.

This excites Shiana, so she started to wonder who this lucky woman is. "Master, can you tell me who this lucky woman is?" She asked while giggling. "Well, aren't you excited? Don't worry, both of you will meet one day and it's going to be a very long and fun day for both of you", Amon said and put on his pants but before that, he used his powers to encapsulate his cock so that Shiana's pussy juice doesn't ruin his pants from the inside.

He bid farewell to Shiana and walked out of her house, and looks at a bush that is right next to Shiana's bedroom. "Come out fatty, I can see you", Amon said which made the fat man hiding behind the bush stand up awkwardly. This is, of course, none other than Shiana's friendly neighbor Mike.

"Come here, " Amon beckoned to him, making Mike nervous, but he decided to listen to Amon. He approached Amon while his heartbeats rapidly increased. Now that he is in front of Amon, he doesn't know what to do, but to his surprise, Amon put his arm around Mike's shoulder.

Mike looks at Amon with caution and shock as he didn't know what Amon is about to do to him. Amon looked at Mike and smiled. "Did you enjoy listening to Shiana while I fucked her?" Amon asked without beating around the bush to which Mike aggressively shook his head from left to right, denying it. "Now, now, no need to lie! If you lie, I am going to smash your face in, " Amon said as nicely as possible, which terrified Mike even more.

"Yes, I did..." He replied with his head down. "See, it wasn't that hard telling the truth, was it? You see Mike, I like honest guys like you who I can rely on", Amon said and patted his shoulder hard which caused all the body fat on Mike's body to giggle, it stung Mike but he kept quiet, as he doesn't know where Amon is getting at.

"I know you are a decent guy Mike. You are just a little horny and perverted, I get it. I am the same as well. The only difference is I get to fuck beautiful women like Shiana while you can only just admire them from a distance unless you take drastic measures, but let's not get there, shall we?

See Mike, I just want to tell you that you need to be respectful to women and especially to women who are mine. What I really mean is that you need to help Shiana whenever she needs help. If she tells you to clean her house, you clean her house. If she tells you to buy her groceries, you buy her groceries, do you understand?" Amon asked, but he didn't get an answer.

Of course, he wouldn't get an answer, why would Mike do all this for Shiana if he can't have her? Too bad for him, Amon decided to make Mike Shiana's servant, as she deserves it for being such a good slave to him.

"I see that you don't understand what I said! Look, Mike, I know everything about you, you are 27 years old, you worked for a company called J&J enterprises which is quite a big company and they paid you quite a good amount of money as well but you thought your skills demanded more so when they didn't agree to a pay rise, you left. You became a freelancer and a very successful one at that. You earned decent money from the gigs you got and were able to buy that house right there.

You are a single child. Both your parents live on a farm peacefully thinking that their beloved son is a good man, but they are wrong, aren't they, Mike?" Amon asked while staring into his eyes.

"You did a lot of gigs to get rich, but some of these gigs are very illegal, aren't they? From breaching software to hacking into other people's computers on request and creating very illegal sites for fucked up people. All these shady things you did will surely land you in jail and that too for a very long time, imagine how sad mama and papa Mike will be when they learn that their beloved son is a no-good criminal who has ruined the lives of many innocent people," Amon finished his sentence with the brightest smile he could pull off while Mike looked at him with horror.

'How did he find out so much about me? I thought I was very careful! Even the best hackers out there wouldn't have found out so much about me. Just who the fuck is this guy?' Mike thought, realizing that this man next to him is not simple whatsoever. He never met a man so scary in his life.

"I think I don't need to repeat myself, do I, Mike?" Amon asked. "No, no, no, I will do everything Shiana asks me to do, I promise," Mike said in a hurry while sweating bullets.

"Good, I knew you were a smart man, hahaha, I will be leaving then, Mike. I hope you will be nice to Shiana and don't cause her any trouble," Amon said and entered his car and drove off under the dusky night sky.