Back At Megan's House

Amon drove back to his house and he got there right on time. The sky has turned dark and it's 8 PM, he parked his car inside and looked at Megan's house. He could hear the sound of the tv coming from inside which led him to believe that Stewart is back home as he is the only one that seems to watch football (soccer) in this house.

He also sensed three people inside Megan's house confirming his belief, he walked up to her door and rang the doorbell and it didn't even take a few seconds before the door was opened by a very cheerful Rea who is smiling ear to ear while looking at Amon.

"Amon, you are here!" She cheered and hugged him, Amon hugged her back while also getting a feel of her cute little butt before letting her go, Amon looked inside and saw Stewart wholly engrossed in his game, and seeing this Amon just smirked.

This man is so focused on his tv that he doesn't even see his daughter getting groped by Amon, Amon has his hands on Rea's cute buttcheeks as they are the perfect squeeze toys for him to feel welcomed here.

Amon looked around again but he couldn't find Megan anywhere, he smiled back at Rea and they both walked into Megan's house. Stewart finally turned his head to look at Amon as the ad break on the TV started to play.

"Amon! Welcome, why don't you join me and watch the game, it's getting very interesting", Stewart invited Amon and went back to looking at the screen as the game came back on. Amon didn't reply to him and walked directly towards the couch and sat down next to Stewart while Rea also joined him and she sat right next to him.

"Who do you think is going to win?" Stewart asked. "Who do you think is going to win?" Amon asked back as he wanted to know who Stewart supported. "Definitely Arsenal!" He said and he seems very confident with his prediction because Arsenal has been doing very well this season and has not lost a game, and today they are facing Barcelona to qualify for the quarterfinals.

"So you are supporting Arsenal?" Amon asked. "Of course, it's my favorite team, trust me on this, they are going to win the league for sure", Stewart said with confidence. "Oh, but I think Barcelona is going to win and send Arsenal home after this game", Amon said and chuckled.

"Hahaha, how about a bet? let's see who wins", Stewart decided to bet on it which made Amon smirk, he didn't expect Stewart himself to put forth the bet, he had planned to lure Stewart into a bet but it looks like Stewart wants to serve himself in a silver platter to Amon.

"Sure, what do you want to bet?" Amon asked. "I don't know, how about money?" Stewart suggested. "I don't think it's good to bet money, how about a dare? the loser will have to chug a whole bottle of alcohol in one go", Amon said.

Stewart gave it some thought and shook Amon's hand and agreed to the bet.

Too bad for Stewart, he is going to lose, Arsenal could have won today's match and qualified for the quarter-finals but now that the bet is on, Amon is not going to let it happen. With just a single thought from him, the whole game started to change.

Within a minute, an Arsenal player got a red card sending him back to the bench which pissed off Stewart, he got so angry that he didn't even notice, Amon has his hand on his daughter's exposed thigh, almost touching her pussy.

Rea's face is completely red as she looks at Amon who looks back at her and continues to rub her thigh while also touching her pussy over her hotpants.

As Stewart continued to be pissed at Arsenal because of them playing like idiots by letting gaps in their formation, giving bad passes to their teammates, and making fouls, Amon continued to have fun with Rea.

It was as if lady luck has completely abandoned team Arsenal. As Stewart continued to curse at Arsenal for their bad play, Megan finally came into the hall wearing her sexy one-piece dress while her eyes are locked onto Amon, she didn't give two fucks about her husband, she just wants Amon's attention right now and she is getting it.

Amon looks at Megan with his hungry eyes as he scans her body, no matter how many times he looks at it, he cannot get enough of it, Megan is really an irresistible woman, he wondered how Stewart could even focus on work while he has this sexy piece of ass waiting for him back home.

Amon licks his lips while looking at Megan telling her that she will be his dinner tonight, feeling his hungry gaze on her body made Megan feel horny, and seeing him licking his lips while completely disregarding the presence of her husband made her desire Amon even more.

"Amon, glad to see that you decided to join us for dinner", Megan said. Hearing her voice snapped Rea out of her thoughts and looked at Megan, she was lost in her own fantasies with Amon in mind that she didn't even notice that Amon has already removed his hand from her thigh and her mom has walked into the living room.

Stewart also turned his head to look at Megan and noticed that she has retouched her makeup, he didn't think much of it as he thought Megan just didn't want to look tired in front of their guest. He went back to watching the game.

Megan looked at her daughter and seeing her sitting so close to Amon made her feel a little jealous, and knowing that her daughter also has feelings for Amon made her feel a little frustrated along with it.

"Sweetie, did you finish your schoolwork?" She asked while glaring at Rea. "No, I will finish it after dinner", Rea said as she wanted to sit next to Amon a little longer. "No! You go up and do it right now, when the dinner is ready I will call you", Megan said with a firm tone.

Rea got really frustrated hearing her mom's words but she didn't want to talk back to her because Amon is right here and she didn't want him to think that she is a spoiled brat, she looked at Amon and Amon just gave her a light nod and signaled her to listen to her mother.

Rea just grumbled at her mother and gave her an intense angry stare before storming off back to her room. Stewart, on the other hand, didn't even lift his head up and continued to watch the game.

"I will start preparing dinner. Amon, you can continue to enjoy the game, I will prepare some snacks and drinks for you guys", She said and brought some alcohol and chips and placed it on the table in front of them, she first served her husband who is laying against the sofa with his concentration completely on the game. "Honey, you are blocking the TV", He said as Megan stood in front of him while serving him snacks. Megan angrily glared at him but didn't bother to say anything and moved away.

She then walked towards Amon and put down the snacks while bending a little and exposing her perfect breasts to him, Amon smiled and put his hand on her ass and rubbed it as Stewart didn't even bother to look at his stunning wife.

Megan bit her lip as she felt Amon's strong hand on her ass and looked into his eyes, her eyes told everything she wanted Amon to do to her right now. She wants Amon to just grab her right now, pin her against this very table while tearing her dress, and then proceed to fuck her brains out right in front of Stewart.

Amon could easily tell what she wants and decided to fulfill her fantasy but not today. "Thank you, Megan", He said and let go of her ass and picked up some snacks and ate them, Megan nodded and went back to the kitchen and started preparing the main dish for the night.

Stewart and Amon continued to watch the match while they indulged in their alcohol and snacks, Stewart is already getting drunk and with how the game is progressing, he is forced to subconsciously drink more alcohol to calm himself down.

The game entered halftime and Arsenal is not doing good, they are 3-0 against Barcelona and it looks like they are going to lose, but Stewart still has hope that he is clinging on to, he believes they will make a comeback which made Amon chuckle.

The halftime soon came to an end and the second half started. And just two minutes into the game, Barcelona scored again which caused Stewart to shout in anger, Amon just chuckled seeing this.

"From the looks of it, I might be winning the bet", He commented. "They will make a comeback, I know it", Stewart still held onto his hope. "Haha, well, I will go and help Megan, she might be overwhelmed in the kitchen", Amon said and got up. "No need, she can handle it", Stewart commented". "I also think she can handle it but I will feel bad if I don't help", Amon replied. "Fine then", Stewart said and went back to watching the game.

Amon smirked and walked towards the kitchen, Megan saw Amon coming towards her causing her heartbeats to fasten. Since her house is an open-floored one, she heard him talking to Stewart about helping her which led to her also getting more annoyed at Stewart when she heard him rejecting Amon's help towards her.

But it didn't matter now, Amon is coming towards her and she is excited to feel his touch again, Amon walked into the kitchen while his eyes continued to feast on Megan's body, Megan turned around and looked at Amon and backed off against the kitchen counter acting like an innocent pure woman.

Amon got over close to her and pressed his crotch against her abdomen while placing both his hands on her hips and bringing his lips very close to hers, Megan's breathing became ragged as she felt Amon's hot breath touching her lips, she wanted to kiss him very badly right now so she went forward to kiss him but Amon backed off and didn't let her kiss him.

She looked at him confused while he smiled at her, he then brought one of his hands closer to her face and ran his finger on the side of her face while admiring her gorgeous facial features, Megan shuddered in response and couldn't do anything but let Amon do his thing just like last time.

Amon ran his finger down her face to her neck and to the back of her head, once he was there, he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled it down hard causing Megan's face to lift up and stretching her neck, Amon then brought his other hand to play and ran his thumb from below her chin and slowly down towards her Adam's apple.

When he reached her Adam's apple, he stopped right there and slowly started to press down on it, Megan felt the pressure building on her Adam's apple and she loved it, it felt like she is being choked but everything is just focused on this one spot.

Her breathing became heavy and chaotic while she continued to maintain eye contact with Amon, she could spend all day staring into them and never feel bored.

Amon then got very close to her lips once again and pulled out his tongue and licked her lips and continued on to her cheeks and stopped right before her ear. Megan felt his hot breath touching her ear while the wet saliva on her cheek he left behind started to feel cold.

"Aren't you a jealous slut?", Amon whispered into her ear which caught Megan by surprise as she doesn't know what Amon means. "What do you mean?" She whispered back. "Sending little Rea back to her room while she just wanted to spend some time with her favorite teacher, how could you? Being jealous of your own daughter, you deserved to be punished." Amon whispered into her ear again, Hearing his words shocked Megan as she didn't expect Amon to see through her actions.

"No, it's n-". "Ah, Ah, Ah... You shouldn't lie, Megan! You know that I don't like liars, Or do you want to be punished like before?" Amon questioned while whispering. Remembering the punishment of not being able to pleasure herself for days haunted her mind again and she shuddered in response.

"Alright, I got jealous seeing her sitting so close to you...", Megan said. "See, I like it when you tell the truth, for that you deserve a reward", Amon said and brought his lips closer to hers and kissed her, he invaded her mouth with his tongue and started to mess with her tongue.

Megan, on the other hand, just closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss as she can never get enough of it.