Having Fun In The Office

Amon ends his first class of the day and heads back to his office when he stumbles upon a familiar face.

"You, stop," Amon said, stopping the young student in front of him. The boy turns around and sees Amon making the color fade from his skin.

He realizes that he is in big trouble because his mother was not able to come to visit Amon because of some emergency.

"Brian, right?" Amon asked. "Yes, sir," he answered.

"Where's your mother? I thought she would be visiting me. Don't tell me you didn't inform her?" Amon asked. "No sir, she was coming, but an emergency occurred at her workplace so she couldn't visit you," he said nervously.

His mother still doesn't know what he did as she was busy with work and didn't even bother to ask him when she returned home because of exhaustion from all the work.

And he didn't bother to tell her about it as no one digs their own grave.

But how would he have known that he would encounter Amon right here?

"I will give you one last warning. Bring your mother to my college office tomorrow," Amon said and walked away, leaving Brian a nervous wreck.

Amon returned to the teacher's office and found Shiana inside, but she isn't alone as Clark, the social science teacher, is talking to her.

He wishes Shiana could have been alone here, so he could have had some fun with her, but Clark's presence ruined it. Amon loves the environment here in school. Young girls with mini skirts running around with intense sexual desire radiating from their bodies.

Since they are young, they are filled with sexual energy and they don't do much to hide it, and with how lenient the rules in the school are, Amon has already seen a few students fucking like rabbits inside washrooms, on the rooftop, and inside empty classrooms.

But the only thing Amon doesn't like about this school is that he has to share his office with other teachers, making him miss so many opportunities to have fun with all the hot young buds that he can pluck.

After giving it some thought, he decided to visit the principal and have some words with him. This is a big school. It should have enough room to be assigned to him separately.

Shiana notices Amon's arrival and so does Clark, making him rush back to his seat. He acted as if he just got caught watching porn.

Amon didn't even bother to think about what Clark was saying to Shiana. He walked to his table and sat down, and decided to have some fun.

"Shiana, can you help me with this?" he calls Shiana to his side. Clark lifts his head to see what's going on before putting his attention back on his work.

The sudden approach from Amon surprises Shiana, but she knows she can't deny him, even if she wants to. She gets up from her seat and pulls it towards Amon and sits down right next to him and looks at the paper on his desk.

As she looks at the paper, she sees just a blank seat. Confused, she looks at Amon's face to see him smirking. Before she can even realize what Amon has in his mind, his hands are already on her soft thigh.

Shiana flinches but tries her best not to make a sound and alert Clark. Amon loves seeing how women try to act innocent and try to maintain a pure maiden facade when they also want the same things he wants.

Right now he wants to ravage Shiana right in front of Clark and he really doesn't give a fuck if Clark sees them or not, and he is not the only one. Deep down, Shiana wants to get ravaged by Amon right here in front of Clark. This thought excites her, but she wants to hide it.

She still wants to keep her social image intact.

And Amon loves this about them. He enjoys how hard they try to go unnoticed while he brings them to their limits.

He moves his hand up her thigh and under her skirt, entering the forbidden zone. As soon as his finger makes contact with her pussy lips, Shaina bites her lips and lets out a hot breath through her nose.

She turns her head and looks at Amon, who continues to smile while looking at her.

Amon then slides her underwear to the side and starts rubbing her pussy lips, making Shiana moan softly.

She tenses up as she thinks Clark heard her, but when she checks on him, she finds him busy with his papers, relieving her of her suspicion. But before she can even calm down, she feels Amon's thick and strong fingers enter her pussy.

This makes her moan a little louder, alerting Clark, but before he could lift his head and check on Shaina, she looks down at the black paper on Amon's desk and pretends to be reading it.

Clark lifts his head up to check on Shiana and finds her staring at something on Amon's desk, along with Amon. He then sees Amon look at him and smile.

He smiles back at Amon and returns to his work. 'It must be my imagination' He thinks.

What he didn't notice is how flushed Shiana's face is right now as her body is getting overwhelmed by pleasure. She is gritting her teeth as hard as she can to not make a sound while Amon's fingers run rampage inside her pussy.

The insane fingering skills from Amon and the thought of getting caught make Shiana hornier than ever.

She lifts her head and looks at Amon with teary eyes as she is about to cum. She pleads to stop as she knows she won't be able to hold back from moaning anymore, as she is very close.

Amon looks at the expression Shiana is making and gets the thrill he has been looking for, but he doesn't slow down. Instead, he speeds up.

But to save her from embarrassing herself, he covers her mouth with his other hand.

Shiana starts to quiver with pleasure and lets out a loud moan that is muffled by Amon's hand, but it is still very audible. Because of this, her eyes are locked onto Clark as she hopes that he doesn't hear her, but deep down, she wants to get caught. She then squirts all over the floor, creating a big mess.

Seeing that Clark still has his eyes stuck to his work calms Shiana down. What she doesn't know is that Amon had completely wiped out the surrounding sound.

Only he and Shiana could hear her loud moans, along with the splashing of her pussy.

Shiana finally relaxes as her body stops shaking. She lets out a deep breath and lays back on her chair.

Amon removes his fingers from her sticky wet pussy and licks the juices off it, and smacks his lips. He loves this taste and will never get tired of it.

Suddenly the bell rings, indicating the start of the second hour of classes. Clark walks out, leaving Amon and Shiana alone.

Shiana also gets up with shaky legs with some of her own pussy juice dripping down her thigh.

"I will be leaving. I need to clean this up before heading to my class," she says and hurriedly walks out, fearing Amon will stop her right here and fuck her, making her miss her next class.

Though she doesn't want anything else other than getting her pussy ravaged, she can't miss her class. If she doesn't go, she might get questioned about why she didn't hold her class, which could lead to further complications.

Amon just smiles, seeing Shiana running out of the office.

"I would have loved to play with her a little more, but work calls. I should also visit that fast bastard today," Amon murmurs and heads to his next class as well.