Big Trouble Ahead

Amon spends his time in school, looking at young hot girls walking around while eyeing him simultaneously.

Amon is still very famous at school. Almost all girls have a crush on him and Amon won't waste this. When he gets a chance, he is going to fuck them.

After school, Amon made his way back to his house, as he had something he needed to take care of. He needed to visit a greasy old man who is eying his belongings.

Amon arrived in front of his house and parked his car right inside. He looks at Megan's house and notices that it is empty. Megan is still at work, while Rea will take some time to come back from school.

Since he is free now, he can give the fat bald bastard a visit. Amon is indifferent about humans and their doings, but if they try to eye his belongings, he will mess them up really badly.

Death will be the easiest way out for them when Amon is done with them.

Amon has a lot of plans for the old fat bastard. First, he will start off slow, then he will haunt his life for a while till he breaks completely.

Amon gets out of his car and makes his way toward Martin's house. From the outside, it looks just like any other house that overpaid designers have customized to the brim.

Martin's house is way more expensive than his and Megan's, but it didn't bother Amon. He is the richest being on this planet, with all the treasures he has stored away in some empty dimension.

And even if he didn't have all those treasures, he could just magically bring a whole corporation to fuel his expenditures into existence out of nowhere, and no one on this planet will question its existence and validity.

He looks at the expensive modern house in front of him and senses two people living inside, just the right people for his entertainment today.

He is also eager to meet the stunning woman that decided to marry the fat bastard.

He walks up to the door and rings the doorbell. The sharp and loud buzz rang loud inside the house and within a minute, the door opened.

In front of Amon stands a beautiful woman who is 5 feet eight inches tall. She is a redhead with beautiful grey eyes and a stunning figure, which is enhanced by the white dress she is wearing.

Amon's eyes fell on her body and admired it for a few seconds. Her breasts are big and beautiful, but not as big as Megan's, but they are still stunning. Her body is also very curvy and elegant, her skin is smooth and she seems to have a nice ass, her long and smooth legs also complement her overall looks.

He could, of course, get a better view of her ass, if she turns around, but asking a stranger to show their ass at the very first meeting is not a good way to introduce oneself.

(Picture here) -

Amon is not the only one who is admiring what is in front of their eyes.

The pretty woman also looks at Amon with curious eyes, and she shows no sign of hiding her gaze traveling across his powerful figure.

'My, what a handsome man! I have never seen a man more handsome than this. That strong jawline, flowy black hair, bright beautiful eyes, and a perfect nose. His face is also not the only thing.

He stands so tall and those wide and strong shoulders make him look unmoving, giving off a very powerful aura.

His arms are massive, with powerful forearms, big hands, and perfect upper arms. It feels like he can grab me so hard that I would never be able to escape from his clutches.

His chest is big and defined and that t-shit is not helping him hide it.

His legs are also big and strong. It gives off a stable and planted stance, increasing his masculinity. And to top it off, his smooth light brown skin, mmnnnn. What a Man'

She easily broke down Amon through her eyes, the eyes of a supermodel. And she is very proud of this skill of hers.

She can easily break down anyone and put them on an attractive scale. She can look at an ungroomed person and point out what they need to become more attractive.

And for the first time in her life, she has ever put a man so high on the attractiveness scale. A 9.5. The only reason Amon is not getting 10 from her is because of his clothes. They are very simple and unappealing to her high-end standards.

She actually removed 0.5 points from Amon because of his clothes. If he was not wearing anything and standing naked, he would be a perfect 10 in her eyes.

He made even those simple, unappealing clothes look good in her eyes. She is someone who won't even bat an eye at someone if they are wearing something so simple as Amon, but for the first time, she is mesmerized.

She notices that this man is also checking her out. Unlike other men, his eyes were not just locked onto her breasts. She saw his eyes travel from her hair to her eyes, to her breasts, to her stomach, and down her legs.

She appreciated his attempt to get a good look at her body. If it was any other person, she would be disgusted, but because Amon is so good-looking, she didn't mind. She actually liked it a lot.

"Can I help you?" she finally decided to speak up and ask why this very handsome man has decided to visit her.

"Hello, my name is Amon and I am your neighbor. I live right across. I am actually a friend of your husband and I have some business with him," Amon said and extended his hand for a handshake.

She looks at Amon's hand and then at his smile. The charming smile on his face makes her smile automatically as well. She puts her hand up front for the handshake.

They shook their hands with a smile on their faces.

"Nice to meet you, Amon. My name is Stephanie. I am Martin's wife. May I ask what business you have with my husband?" Stephanie asks.

"Well, it's something personal, but if Martin is ok sharing it with you, I won't mind telling you," Amon answers back.

"Honey, who is it?" Suddenly a rough voice comes from inside the house asking who is in front of their door.

"It's Amon, our neighbor. He is here for you," Stephanie answered back.

Martin was confused as to who this Amon is so he walks towards his front entrance to look at the visitor and sees the young, tall man he saw making out with Megan a few days ago.

Surprised by Amon's visit, he wonders what he is here for. He looks at Amon and sees Amon smiling at him. Martin felt weird, but he wants to know why Amon is here so he called him in.

"Yes, come in," Martin said.

Amon smiles at Martin and then at Stephanie. Stephanie moves to the side and welcomes him with a smile as well. Amon enters Martin's house.

All three of them walk into the living room. Amon looks around and observes his surrounding, he sees that Martin's house is even more luxurious from the inside. His house is nice, but it's no way near Martin's house.

"You have a very nice house, Stephanie," Amon compliments. Hearing him, Martin frowns as Amon called Stephanie by her first name.

"Thank you, Amon, I put a lot of work into designing it," Stephanie answers as she is extremely happy that at least someone noticed the work she put to design this house.

"Why don't you sit down and start with whatever you two need to do? I will bring something to eat and drink," Stephanie continues to speak and walks away into the kitchen.

Amon watches her walk away while his eyes get locked on her perfectly shaped ass. Martin notices this and frowns. By now, he is certain that he doesn't like Amon. He feels disrespected by this young man. He comes into his house and stares at his wife's ass and that too right in front of him? The nerve this young man has.

Amon sits down without giving Martin any attention and continues to look around the house.

"So why are you here, young man?" Martin asks with a deeper voice, as he wants to come off as intimidating.

"Me? You know why I am here. There is only one connection between us," Amon replies and finally looks at Martin with his eyes locked on Martin like a predator.

Martin's frown slowly turns into a greasy smile as he hears Amon's reply. "So it's because of Megan. Did she send you to fix this for her? Hahahaha," Martin says and starts to laugh out loud.

"You know, I am very impressed by you, young man. You have not been here even for a month and you already have that hot piece of ass under you. You must be fucking her really good, huh?" Martin continues to speak as Amon listens with amusement on his face.

"I look at you and I am reminded of my younger self, going after any beautiful woman I can get my hands on. Ah, those days."

"You know, you are quite good-looking. Have you thought about modeling?" Martin asks and Amon replies back by shaking his head in denial.

"I see. You must be doing very well for yourself to move into this neighborhood, but you know what? I can provide you with much more. You can have money, fame, power, women, anything you want. I can give you. You just need to follow me.

And you only need to do one thing. Hand Megan over to me, and they are all yours. You will be the top male model in the industry within a month. I promise you," Martin says with a big greasy smile.

Amon couldn't hold it in any longer. "Hahahahaha, you are funny, you fat fuck," Amon says.

Martin is taken back, nobody has ever called him a fat fuck right to his face, not even those big shots in the industry. His face soon turns sour and glares angrily at Amon.

"Bastard, do you even know who you are talking to? You fucked up. Just wait, I am going to destroy your life and fuck that slut and her daughter right in front of you," Martin said, growling.

"Hehe, you are a character, you fat bastard. Do you really think I give a fuck about who you are? You think too highly of yourself. As for Megan, she didn't send me to fix anything. In fact, she was never in trouble.

You, on the other hand, you fat fuck, are in big trouble," Amon said with a cheeky smile.

"What are you talking about?" Martin asks with a frown.