BJ Training

This is something Rea never expected to experience in her life. The amount of pleasure she was feeling overwhelmed her mind and she couldn't think straight.

All she cares about right now is Amon and what he is doing to her pussy with his mouth.

He continues to eat her out while simultaneously stimulating her g-spot and her clit with his fingers at the same time.

Rea experiences orgasm after orgasm till she couldn't squirt anymore. Her reserves have gone dry. Now she is just a tired mess who can't think straight.

Amon looks at his work with a smile. Maybe he went a little overboard with Rea, but it didn't matter.

He loves seeing her in such a state, he will slowly turn her into his personal meat slave to use whenever he wants.

Amon stops and let Rea catch her breath and calm down. He knows she needs time to calm down after what he put her through.

After a few minutes, Rea's breathing slows down and she can finally think straight. She looks up at Amon and sees him smiling at her. She smiles back happily as she feels butterflies in her stomach.

"Come here," he says and gestures at her with his hand. She gets up and approaches Amon on her fours. Amon then grabs the back of her head and kisses her.

He then stops and looks into her eyes, which are now completely devoted to him.

"Now it's your turn," Amon whispers into her ear. Rea is confused, but Amon doesn't let her ponder on it for much longer. He removes his pants and takes out the slumbering Godzilla.

Rea looks at his thick, flaccid cock and gasps. This is the first time she is seeing a cock in person. She can't help but want to touch it.

"So this is what it looks like in person," she murmurs as she slowly approaches it with her hand, but she stops herself and looks at Amon, trying to figure out what he wants from her.

"No need to shy away. You can touch it," Amon says.

Rea nods her head and finally wraps her small hand around it. She grabs it and gives it a squeeze, and moves it around. "It feels soft and squishy," she says, and looks back at Amon.

He doesn't say anything and just smirks.

"Why is it not hard like the ones on the video?" She asks and looks up at Amon again.

"You need to stimulate it till the blood flows into it," Amon replies.

Rea nods and thinks about how to stimulate his cock, then she remembers one of the porn videos she watched in which a girl starts to suck on a flaccid cock to make it hard. So without giving it a second thought, she brings her mouth close to his cock and wraps her lips around it, and starts sucking on it like how she sucks a lollipop.

Amon is surprised by Rea's boldness but seeing how she is sucking on it and pressing it with her tongue, he realizes that she knows nothing about a blowjob and is only trying to replicate what she has seen in online videos.

But it still feels great. Having a young cute girl's mouth around his cock is stimulating enough. Soon his cock starts to grow, and it takes Rea by surprise as it completely takes over her mouth.

Feeling the tip of his cock touch the back of her throat makes her gag, and she instinctively pulls away and starts to cough.

"*cough* *cough*" she coughs twice and rubs her throat and looks back at Amon's cock again and what she sees makes her gasp in shock.

A thick and big cock, 8 inches in length and 6 inches in circumference, stands strong and proud.

"It's so big!!!" She exclaims loudly. Amon chuckles hearing her and speaks again. "So you think you will be able to take it inside you?" Amon asks with a smirk.

Hearing him, Rea looks at his cock and then at her small pussy and shakes her head violently in denial. She is now very afraid to put such a massive thing inside her pussy. Amon's two fingers already made her feel her pussy was being stretched to the limit. There's no way she can imagine his cock fitting in her pussy.

"That's why I told you that you are not ready yet," Amon says. Hearing this, Rea feels sad. She wonders if she will ever be able to make love to Amon without suffering pain.

"But don't worry, I have a way to slowly stretch your pussy until it can finally take mine," Rea once again cheers up and looks at him with curiosity. Amon can tell that Rea is dying to know how to do it.

"No need to be so eager. I will take you to a very special place on Sunday, till then, you will have to wait, understand?" Amon says.

Rea nods her head obediently.

"Now that is out of the way. It is now your time to please me," Amon says. "How? I can't even fit it in my mouth," she says with disappointment.

"Come here, I will teach you." Rea nods to him and approaches his cock once again. Now with her face right next to his cock, she looks up at Amon by rolling up her eyes, questioning what to do next.

"Use your tongue and start licking the top," he instructs. Rea grabs the shaft of his cock with her small hand to stabilize it and starts licking the top of his tip.

She licks the top of his cock and focuses on his hole with the point of her tongue. Though inexperienced in this, she still manages to make Amon feel good. 'This little slut, she has a lot of potential,' Amon thinks and lets her do her thing.

"Now lick around it," he orders. Following his order, she starts to lick his cock's mushroom head like how she licks her ice cream from down to the tip and then rolls her tongue around it.

'This is just like licking an ice cream,' she thinks.

Amon is surprised by how quickly she is picking it up. "Now, time to suck on it. Put it inside your mouth and suck on it while moving up and down and watch out for your teeth." She does as ordered and puts her mouth around the tip of his cock and sucks on it while moving her head up and down.

Her technique is crude and amateurish while her teeth also get involved, but Amon ignores it. Her teeth won't hurt him even if she wanted to, and she herself realizes that her teeth are getting involved, so she checks herself every time she does it.

It doesn't take her long before she falls into a rhythm and it gets better. Amon starts to feel good and encourages her to take his cock a little deeper, as right now she is only going down two to three inches.

He puts his hand on the back of her head and pushes a little further, not too much to make her uncomfortable, but enough to cover more of his cock.

"Let your saliva flow down my cock and use your hands to lube my whole cock," Amon instructs again. Rea lets the saliva built up inside her mouth flow down his shaft and moves her hand up and down the remaining half of his cock to smother it with her saliva.

"Now hold it with both your hands and twist up and down my cock while you continue to suck on it," he instructs. Since he doesn't want to force his whole cock down her throat yet, this is the next big thing she can do for him. Using both her hands and mouth at the same time to pleasure his whole cock.

Rea does just that and soon gets into a rhythm. By now Amon is really impressed by how good Rea is at this. She is a natural, born to be his slut.

"Good girl, keep doing that, and daddy promises you a very tasty reward," Amon says. Rea puts more effort into it and soon she is rewarded for it.

"Hold it, take daddy's milk. Make sure to keep it all inside your mouth," he orders and holds her head in place, and starts pumping his cum inside her mouth. His cum completely packs up her mouth from inside but there was too much cum for her and she couldn't help but snort some out of her nose.

Her nose burned, and she felt uncomfortable, but Amon held her in place. "Uh-uh, don't move. You need to get used to this. Hold it in and keep it inside your mouth," Amon ordered, and Rea listened like an obedient pet.

Once he was done, he removes his cock from her mouth while holding her head in place by her chin. "Open your mouth," he orders. Rea opens her mouth and shows it filled with his cum.

Amon looks at Rea's face and gets excited. Her mouth filled with his cum and her nose dripping with it as well. It is a beautiful sight that he will never get tired of.

"Good girl, you can drink it now," he orders. Rea nods her head and gulps down all the cum down her throat. As she gulps it, she feels the heat pass through her throat and settle down in her stomach.

She finally takes a deep breath and licks her lips while also wiping her nose with her hand.

She has never done anything like this ever in her life and feels overwhelmed, but at the same time, she is also very happy to please Amon. She is in love with him and will do anything for him.

She also didn't hate the taste of his cum. She liked it a lot and would love to taste more of it in the future.

"Now get dressed. Your mom should be home soon. You don't want her to see us like this, right?" Rea nods to his question once again and starts putting on her home clothes.

Amon also puts on his pants and leaves Rea on her own to rest. She should be very tired after what she just went through.