An Online Streamer

Amon bids his farewell to Rea with a kiss on her cheek and leaves her house, and enters his. As soon as he enters his house, he snaps his finger and cleans himself up from the smell and mess of sex that is on his body.

His clothes also change into something more comfortable so he can move around comfortably. He then looks around his living room and notices something he didn't give much attention to before.

He has no PC of his own. He has the latest gaming consoles, but even he, who is a 1000-year-old immortal, knows PC gaming is better, so he snaps his fingers again and the most expensive high-end PC with all the latest parts materializes inside his room.

He walks towards his very new PC and a comfortable chair suddenly materializes right next to him. He sits down and turns on his new PC and since there is already every game he plays pre-installed in it, Amon doesn't have to download and wait for it to install.

Being Omnipotent is just awesome.

He launches one of his favorite FPS games and a very expensive headphone materializes on top of his head and covers his ears.

The game starts, and he begins to play. He started off easy, but he still enjoyed destroying newbies and pros alike. He especially loved fucking with people who rage easily.

This, of course, caused a lot of swear words to be hurled at him, but he just laughed it off because the best way to get revenge is by destroying them even more. He could even hear laughter from his teammates who are having the time of their life, listening to every time they rage against Amon.

Amon continues to play, as he has nothing else to do. His profile continues to rank up at an incredible pace and soon reaches gold rank.

As soon as he reaches gold rank, he enters a new lobby and there is already a player waiting in the lobby.

"Hello?" a female voice comes from the other side, piquing Amon's interest. He has encountered some female players before in the game but never bothered to talk to them as they were not up to his standards, but this girl is.

He can already see her appearance through his all-seeing eyes. She is a good-looking Asian woman who seems to be in her early twenties. She is also wearing some kind of cosplay which has a black dress and white wig.

His eyes wander around her room, and he notices a few things. Her room is designed to be appealing and decorated with neon lights. Her whole room seems to be very flashy, as if it is designed for people to look at.

His vision then fell on her computer, which she is using right now. Her computer is very high-end with multiple monitors. As soon as he sees this, he realizes that she is an online streamer.

A smirk appears on Amon's face. Since he likes how this woman looks, he decides to make her one of his cum slaves.

"Hello, can you hear me?" the Asian woman asks again through the headphones.

"Yes, I can hear you, can you hear me?" Amon asked in his usual deep, strong voice. The Asian woman on the other end is taken aback by how strong and powerful Amon's voice is.

This is the first time she has ever heard someone with such a strong, deep voice. It's not too deep where it gets unreadable, it's just the perfect masculine voice.

"Oh, your voice, it's so strong sounding," she comments, genuinely impressed by it. And it is not just her, the people in her chat section are also surprised by hearing his voice.

They spam shocked responses in her chat.

"Ya, I get that a lot," Amon answers back. "I don't mean it in a bad way. Your voice sounds really good. Do you do voice acting?" she asks curiously.

"No, I do not, and I knew you meant no ill will," Amon answers. He then looks at the woman's ID name and sees P@nd@_Princess written on it.

"Panda Princess, that's a funny name," Amon comments, wondering if he could get her real name out of her mouth. He could, of course, use his all-seeing eyes to scan her whole room and find her name, but hearing from her own mouth will allow him to use her name freely in front of her.

"Hey don't make fun of it. I love pandas. They are very cute," she retorts back.

"So, what's your real name?" Amon asks.

"My name is Jennie. What's yours?" she asks back. "It's Amon," he replies. She looks at his user name: LG_Amon. "Your username sounds a little familiar. Have we played with each other before?" she asks.

"No, this is our first time even talking to each other," Amon replies. Before she could continue speaking out her thoughts, two more players join in and the game starts.

While Jennie couldn't figure out why Amon's username sounded familiar, some viewers in her chat easily recognized his user_id and started spamming her chat again.

But the game has already started, and Jennie put her focus on the game and ignored her chat.

The game started, and Amon's team started stacking kill after kill. Soon they realized that their teammate named LG_Amon is the reason behind it. He is a grim reaper as he is getting kills after kills for them.

Jennie, who is closely following Amon around, is surprised by his accurate headshots.

"You are so good at this! Are you a professional player?" she asks.

"No, I just have fast hands and better read of time," Amon answers back. Jennie doesn't know what to say and finally looks at her chat to see what's going on and, to her surprise, her whole chat is spamming about Amon.

Seeing her chat, she finally realized why Amon's user_id seems so familiar to her. She remembered seeing a few videos online talking about an unknown player who embarrassed the top player of the game in his online stream.

Since most of her viewers follow her for her looks and for playing fps games, she likes to keep up with whatever is happening in the community and that is how she stumbled upon Amon's user_id.

Finally realizing that Amon is the same player being talked about in those videos, she gets a little excited.

"Hey, so you are the one who has been causing chaos in the FPS community," she says.

Amon doesn't know what she is talking about, but goes with it. "What do you mean?" he asks. "You are the player LG_Amon, you have been going around and embarrassing professional players of the fps community," she explains.

"Am I? I don't know anything about that," he replies as he genuinely doesn't know what she is talking about, but it only takes him a fraction of a second to gather all information he needs with his powers.

He quickly learns that some of the people he trolled and embarrassed while playing are very famous in the gaming community and he has earned a name for himself in the community.

But. of course, now that he knows what she is talking about, he still decides to play the fool and let Jennie lead the conversation.

"You don't know? Are you living under a rock? The whole community is talking about you," she replies excitedly.

"I don't spend a lot of time on the internet. After work, I come home and play games when I have nothing else to do. I don't know what you are talking about." Amon replies.

His words were like jabs to some people as he wasn't spending his time playing and perfecting himself in the game like some of them who play this game all day to become better at it and still manage to beat the best in the industry. But most of the people in her chat and her silent viewers were just impressed.

They continued to play for a few more rounds before Amon finally decided to quit. He wanted to try some fighting games as well, but before he quit; he received a friend request from Jennie in-game.

He gladly accepted the friend request as he slowly wants to set up a web where he can snare this beautiful woman and make her one of his girls.

After quitting, he continued with other games that caught his interest, especially close combat-based games such as Immortal Combat, Givven, and others.

This time he used a different user_id and started dominating the fighting game meta as well.