Night Club

Amon continues with his gaming till midnight and finally puts an end to it. He decides to go out and see how the nightlife of this city is.

This city never sleeps and its nightlife is as lively as its day, so Amon expects to experience it to the fullest.

Shutting down his PC, he walks out of his house and heads downstairs. He looks into Megan's house and finds her peacefully asleep. "She must be tired after working all day," Amon comments as he didn't hear from Megan after she came from work.

It's easy to forget that Megan is a very successful woman with a high-end and over-demanding job with how beautiful she is and how she still looks so young and sexy for her age.

Amon then gets into his car and drives out into the city.

The night city somehow seems to be even brighter than the day as colorful lights from every building and skyscraper light up the whole city.

The main roads are still busting with vehicles and police are on the prowl, patrolling these roads to make sure no one is breaking laws at night.

Amon's car zooms through the traffic as his eyes wander around, taking in the nightlife of the city. As he continued to drive, he started seeing many beautiful women wearing hot dresses walking the streets with their friends, boyfriends, and lovers.

"Where are all these girls coming from?" He questioned and continued to drive forward before stopping in front of a nightclub.

From outside, the nightclub looks massive. It's not an average club and whoever the owner of this establishment is has put a lot of money into it.

Amon's eyes then start scanning the club's surroundings and he found a lot of young men and women standing in line waiting to get inside the club, but their wait will be long as the queue is long and the bouncer in front of the gate seems to be someone who takes his job very seriously.

No matter what people tried, he wouldn't let them in if they don't match the vibe of the club. Some young guys tried to intimidate the bouncer, but it didn't make him budge one bit.

As for any physical interaction, there was no chance anyone was getting past him as he stands at 7 feet tall and is clearly juiced up. With massive muscles, his sheer size and strength would intimidate even a professional fighter.

Amon observed the club for a few more seconds and decided to give it a go as he wants to experience the club life these young adults go crazy for. He then drove his car into the parking space, and as he did so, the clothes he was wearing suddenly changed into something that is suitable for the club environment.

Amon gets out of the car wearing a black jacket with a red t-shirt underneath it, along with jeans under his torso. He then makes his way toward the club entrance.

There is no way Amon is going to wait in the long line, so he made his way directly toward the bouncer who is guarding the club's entrance.

The bouncer who is very vigilant noticed Amon's approach and squinted his eyes behind his glasses, he assessed Amon and noticed that Amon is someone who is going to be hard to deal with as he could see Amon's strong frame even though it is hiding behind his clothes.

Since the bouncer is an ex-military man working to make a few extra bucks, he is trained enough to identify potentially dangerous people and his radar was going off as he assessed Amon.

But before he could even access what kind of danger, this person is can cause, his thoughts were interrupted by the annoying voice of the young man that was trying to get inside the club for free just because he claims to be the son of a very rich man.

'If you are the son of a rich man, why are you trying to get inside a club for free?' were the thoughts of the bouncer, but he didn't voice them out and just stood there intimidatingly.

"Hey you, who do you think you are skipping past the queue? Get back in line, there are people waiting to get in for hours"

Luckily for the bouncer, he was not the target of the annoying man as it is directed at Amon, who just arrived right in front of the club entrance and stood right in front of the bouncer.

Amon looked at the bouncer and signaled him to let him pass, but the bouncer stopped him and gestured for him to get in the back of the line.

The bouncer is on edge right now, as this could escalate any minute. If this man in front of him decided to get aggressive, he didn't know what the outcome would be.

He is confident in his strength and technique, but he is not arrogant enough to believe he can take out anyone, especially someone like Amon, who he considers a potential threat by just studying his body posture.

The young man who just spoke to Amon got frustrated as he sees Amon completely ignore him, making his anger flare up so he decides to confront Amon.

"Hey asshole, didn't you hear me? Get in the back of the line!" He yelled, which finally caught Amon's attention.

Amon turned his head and looked at the young man and the girl standing next to him. Amon was more interested in the girl than the young man himself, as she is a hot young girl who should be over 20 years old.

Seeing Amon stare at her, the girl blushed slightly as he thought Amon looked very handsome. Though her date is good-looking, the man staring at her is much more handsome.

But she quickly contained her thoughts as she doesn't want her date to get the wrong impression of her. Just like her date claimed, he is the son of a rich man, but he is very dumb. He forgot to bring his wallet and phone, forcing him into such a state or they would have already entered the club.

She cared more about having a rich boyfriend than a handsome-looking one, so she has to keep her thoughts in check.

"Are to checking out my girl? You have some guts, asshole! Do you even know who my father is?" The young man continued to yell angrily at Amon, but Amon continued to ignore him.

He liked how the girl looked and he wouldn't mind going a few rounds with her, but the annoying man next to her ruined his train of thought and mood.

The bouncer who is watching everything from the sideline is still very vigilant as most of these altercations will end in a fight and he just pitied the young man who is trying to pick a fight with Amon. He can tell that Amon would squash him like a bug and so does the girl standing next to the young man who is trying to calm him down and de-escalate the situation.

Amon looked back at the bouncer and put his hand inside his jacket. This move of Amon's sent all the Bouncer's alarms to go haywire, his muscles tensed up, and he was ready to jump into action if Amon pulls out a weapon.

But what Amon pulls out surprised almost everyone who was looking at him. He pulls out a big stack of 100-dollar bills and tosses it at the bouncer.

The bouncer caught the stack of money on reflex and looked at it with confusion and shock.

"That should be enough, right?" Amon asked and signaled the bouncer to let him in again.

The bouncer quickly regained his composer while looking at the stack of money in his hand. From his estimation, it should be around 10000 dollars, which is a lot of money for him. This amounts to 4 to five months of his salary.

The bouncer quickly nods his head and opens up the chain to let Amon in.

It also surprised the young man and the girl standing next to him by how casually Amon threw so much money to just enter the club. The girl is now having second thoughts about whether she should ditch her current date and go after the handsome, tall man, as he also seems to be very rich as well.

Amon finally enters the club, and a brand new world greets him that he is going to love. He doesn't love the loud music or the seizure-inducing lights. What he does love is the sight of numerous hot women who are willing to easily spread their legs for sex.

Amon knows he is going to love this place and is going to become his hangout spot.