Delivered On A Silver Platter

Amon took in the chaotic environment of the club, the colorful flashing lights, the loud pumping music, a lot of untamed wild women who are going around showing off their assets to anyone they found attractive, and the occasional singled-out beautiful woman who is waiting for the right person to take her home and fuck her brains out.

Amon loved this environment. If he knew that the world would end up like this when he was just a mortal, he himself would have gone out of his way in search of immortality.

He scans the club and sees a lot of potential girls he would love to have today, but first, he needs to settle down. A predator just doesn't chase its prey as soon as it spots it.

He will wait, choose the weakest but the most appealing and ambush it, leaving it no chance to escape from his grasp.

He makes his way toward the section of the club that is not crowded and on his way, he caught the attention of many good-looking women who tried to lure him in with their assets, but he completely ignored them.

They are good-looking but not up to his standards.

Of course, Amon would be the center of attraction wherever he went because of his powerful figure and handsome face. Even women who are not into muscular men would find Amon attractive just because of his face.

After ignoring all the baits that were tossed at him by all kinds of women, he walked past. He arrived at the section where there are very few people, but the people sitting here seem to be much richer and the women are also better looking.

Amon smiled and tried to step in but once again was stopped by a big dude wearing a black suit.

"This is the VIP section," The bouncer said with his strong rough voice. Amon didn't fight back, he just smiled and pulled out another stack of money, and threw it at the bouncer.

The bouncer caught the huge stack of money and looked at it with wide eyes. He then quickly put the money inside his coat and stepped away.

He was instructed to not allow people without VIP access into this section, but the money Amon threw at him was too much. He. He would happily get fired rather than give Amon his money back.

Amon smiled and stepped into the VIP section and quickly found himself a nice big couch to sit on.

Since this is the VIP section, he didn't have to go to the bar to get a drink. A good-looking woman wearing a short blue staff uniform walked up to him with a smile on her face.

Amon looked at the woman and guessed her age to be around her early 20s. He looked at her and found her pleasing to his eyes as she is wearing a short skirt revealing her long smooth legs and her uniform fits tightly to her body, displaying her figure.

"Sir, what can I get you?" she asked as she looked at Amon. She couldn't help but find this customer very attractive. It was nice to see a handsome face who is also loaded.

Amon looked at the menu and ordered himself some strong alcohol as he likes the taste of strong alcohol, as for getting drunk, it depends, he can make himself get drunk or he can just turn on his resistance.

Of course, a drunk omnipotent being on the loose is not a good thing, so Amon won't turn off his resistance. He would just drink and savor the flavor.

The staff woman nodded and went away to bring his order. Since the drink is an expensive one, she will also get a nice commission, so she is happy to serve Amon.

Now that he is left alone, Amon starts looking around trying to find someone he would fuck, and there are many that catch his eye but most of them are with other men and are busy doing their best to impress those men by sticking close to them.

He couldn't find any naturally beautiful women. All these women are good-looking, but there is too much makeup on their faces and they couldn't hide it from Amon's eyes.

He can see what a woman really looks like behind her makeup.

Amon decided to wait. If he didn't find anyone, he is going to take that staff woman who just spoke to him. She is naturally good-looking and isn't wearing too much makeup. Her figure is also good.

As he was thinking about the staff woman, she came back with his alcohol and started serving him. Once she was done, she just stood there and waited for Amon to speak if he wanted something else.

Amon looks at her and smiles, then speaks, "What else do you do, other than just serving?" he asked.

The staff woman was taken by surprise by his sudden question but isn't bothered. Rich people can be blunt with their questions sometimes as they run the world.

She knew what Amon was implying and wondered how she should respond. She could deny his approach and just decide to serve him or she could go the extra mile and give him a special service which could potentially lead to a better lifestyle or a lot of money.

She also knew that if she does this, she is basically prostituting herself, which didn't sit right with her, but if the reward is big, she might be willing to entertain the handsome young man in front of her.

After giving it some thought, she decided to go with it. It is not often that she gets to service super handsome and rich young men as most of the time those young, rich hot men come with snobby women by their side.

"It depends on the reward I get," she says with a smile while bowing down a little, giving Amon a view of the item he is about to buy, trying to entice him to stick with his decision.

Amon chuckles as he hears this but before he could even continue his talk with the woman, he heard a familiar annoying voice directed towards him.

"My mannn!" Amon recognized this voice. It is the voice of the young man who lashed out at him outside the club, and along with him is the beautiful girl he came with.

Amon looks at him with surprise as he didn't expect a friendly interaction from this young man if they ever met again, so he decided to look into his head to see what is going on.

He found the sudden change in his attitude towards him is because he is rich. The young man's father has always told him to make friends with other rich people, and seeing that Amon was rich, he did a complete 180.

Amon couldn't help but be amused by this and he was also happy that his young man had decided to approach him. He was just about to take the beautiful staff woman with him, but now he is interested in someone else.

He smiles and looks at the beautiful girl standing next to him, a little embarrassed by the idiot's action. He has just lashed out at Amon outside and now he is acting all friendly. She is regretting coming here.

'This idiot, should I be annoyed that he is interrupting me, or should I be happy that he bought me a delicious treat on a silver platter.' Amon thought as he hungrily looked that the girl

"You got in," Amon said as he lifted his glass and drank his drink.

"Well, if that brainless idiot had let me in, I would have been inside much sooner. Don't worry, he will get fired soon. You shouldn't have wasted your money on him," the douche said.

Amon just pitied the bouncer outside as he heard this. ''Well, at least he got enough money for him to not work for a few months,' he thought.

"Chump change, it doesn't matter," Amon replies.

"Hahaha, you are right my friend, to people like us that kind of money is just chump change," He says and sits down on the long couch joining Amon, the girl next to him also follows and sits next to him separating the idiot from Amon. If they were sitting any closer, the girl would get sandwiched between the idiot and Amon.

The idiot then looks at the staff woman standing next to him and gets annoyed. "What are you doing, go and bring another bottle of whatever my friend is drinking here," he commands.

The staff woman is conflicted. She was just about to score big, but this asshole just came and ruined it all. She also gets jealous of the girl that the asshole brought with him. The girl is a little more beautiful than her and the dress she is wearing is also very revealing, increasing her attraction to the opposite gender.

She looks at Amon, asking for his permission. Amon looks at her and notices her disappointment, but he doesn't care. It is just not her day. A more desirable delicacy has been presented to him, so he is going to enjoy it.

"Go, I will deal with you later," Amon says.

The staff woman nods and walks away, but she still has a smile on her face as Amon has not given up on her. She just won't be able to properly serve him today.