Changing Reality

Now that the three of them are alone, the idiot decides to introduce himself first.

He has his arm around his girl, pulling her closer to him while also showing his boldness by having his hand on her breast and fondling it.

The girl couldn't do anything and accept his physical advances, as this is not the first time. He has done this to her many times, and she has gotten used to it. This is nothing compared to other things she has done for him.

She had once sucked him off right in front of his friends while they were drinking and doing drugs. The only reason she was not greatly affected by it was because she was not the only one there. All his friends also had their own women humping up and down their cocks. She had it easy, as she only gave him a blowjob. Some of the other women were even being passed around like objects.

She was able to escape from that fate because the idiot was very possessive of her and didn't share her with others, but she knows that wouldn't have been the case if she was all used up by him.

Till now she has not allowed him to fuck her. Whenever they got too intimate, she always managed to make him cum by just giving him a blowjob. She is very skilled at it and she would always give her best to please the idiot with it.

She didn't want to give him her everything before she had full control over him, if she gets used up by him before he gets attached to her, she will also get passed around to his friends like those girls she met a few days ago.

Some of those girls were just like her. They caught the idiot's eyes, and like foolish moths attracted to flame, they got burned. He used them up and then passed them around amongst his friends.

She was just unlucky that she didn't know about all this before she decided to hang out with him, but one of her friends soon found out about what happens to girls that hang out with him and warned her. Her greed for money had gotten her into trouble.

Learning about this, she tried to avoid him, but reality hit her hard. He came looking for her. She realized she couldn't escape him as he has too much influence in this city. The only way for her to survive was to make him fall in love with her before she does it with him.

And it seems to be working. The idiot seems to be getting attached to her, spending more time with her. Soon she will succeed and if this works, she might even be able to benefit from it.

Her greed for money has still not been quenched. The expensive gifts, the food at five-star restaurants, the lavish lifestyle, and the holidays got her addicted to it. She is just a little too greedy, but one can't blame her, as this type of lifestyle is hard to give up.


She sat there and let the idiot fondle her breast as it was not a new experience for her, but she didn't want him to do this right now as she is sitting next to Amon. She wanted to make a good impression on Amon because he is just her type. Not only does he have a lot of money, but he is also very handsome and physically strong.

Her preference has always been big muscular guys and if not for her greed for money, she would have dated a bodybuilder or a big fitness model. In fact, her ex was a bodybuilder, but he was not rich enough in her eyes. She wanted to ride in expensive cars and eat expensive food.

Amon, on the other hand, fits everything on her checklist. If she could find a way to ditch the idiot and hang out with Amon, she would, but she quickly put away those thoughts because she couldn't afford to get on the wrong side of the idiot.

He is very influential and is the only heir to one of the biggest corporations in this country. She still doesn't know how much influence Amon has.

She has to sit, listen, and learn. That is how women like her survive in this cruel world.

The idiot started talking and introduced himself.

"I am Zane Richards, sole heir of Richard's group. What about you?" Zane asked.

Amon smiled. Since this idiot wanted to make friends, he decided to become one and take advantage of him.

"My name is Amon and I am the prince of an old ancient royal family from northeast Africa," Amon answered with a straight face. For a few seconds, the atmosphere got silent before Zane started laughing loudly, as if he heard the best joke of his life.

He stopped laughing and looked at Amon, who is giving him a deadpan face indicating that he is not joking. Zane soon realizes that Amon is not joking and is very serious about it.

"Wait, you really are a prince, like your dad is a king?" he asked.

"Well, technically there is no king, the monarchy has been abolished. The highest rank is of the prince and that is me," Amon answered, and his words came into existence.

His blurry background became a reality, and a very powerful lineage was formed dating back 1000s of years and still exists to this day, amassing wealth over trillions and all of it right under Amon's control.

"So you are like a ruler or something," Zane asked curiously. Even the girl sitting next to him is now curious. She didn't expect that Amon was an actual prince.

"No, I don't have any authority over the people. As I said, the monarchy was abolished, but I still have a lot of money and influence," Amon answered.

He then looked at the girl and saw the idiot fondling her. She saw Amon's eyes fall on her and on Zane's hand fondling her breast which made her feel uncomfortable.

"What about you? What's your name?" Amon asked the girl.

Before the girl could even speak, the idiot Zane stepped in and spoke in her place, "Her name is Lia, she is my girl," He said while pulling her even closer aggressively.

Amon just nodded with a smile and took a good look at Lia. She is a very good-looking girl and Amon would give her natural look a 7.5 and with makeup; she looks like an 8 or even an 8.5 in certain conditions.

She has curly blond hair, green eyes, and a good body. As for her clothes, she is wearing a white frill top and a red skirt.

As they continued to talk, the staff woman returned with another bottle of alcohol and left them all alone.

"So, why are you here all alone in the club?" Zane asked.

"I am new to the city and wanted to check out the nightlife. What about you? I don't think a club is a place to hang out if it is just you two," Amon answered and asked back a question.

"My friends will be here any moment. I will introduce you to them. People like us should know each other," Zane said and started drinking.

Amon just smirked upon hearing this. There was no way he would compare himself to the idiot, even if he was a mortal. But right now, he didn't care. He is more interested in the girl sitting next to him.

But he needed some time to have some fun with the girl, so he used his powers to delay all the idiot's friends from coming here.

"Then we should drink till they arrive, here," Amon said and poured his glass with alcohol and filled it to the brim.

He did the same for himself and challenged him to a drinking contest. Idiots with massive egos like Zane would never back down, so they both started gulping down the alcohol and it didn't take long before the idiot got intoxicated.