Plan In Motion

On their way to Megan's office, Megan is busy utilizing her mouth for something more important than just talking.

Her head bobbed up and down on Amon's cock as she savors the taste of it. She can never get tired of this, ever.

Amon releases his load inside her mouth and she gulps it all in with ease. She has been practicing a lot to please Amon and her practice is showing results.

Soon they arrive in front of Megan's office and both of them get out of the car. As they walk out, someone familiar arrives as well. It is Shera, Megan's friend.

Amon looks at Shera and pulls Megan closer to him, puts his arms around her, one hand on her asscheek, and the other on her neck, and kisses her aggressively.

He then lets her go and whispers something into her ear while glaring at Shera with his wild predatory gaze.

Amon finally lets her go and drives away in his car after bidding his goodbye

Shera saw Megan in Amon's strong arms as he squeezed her ass and kissed her furiously. She then saw Amon glare at her hungrily with his eyes while whispering something into her ear which sent a chill down Shera's spine.

Megan approaches Shera with a blush and greets her. "Let's go," Megan says.

"What did your lover tell you about me?" Shera asks as she is hundred percent sure that Amon said something to Megan about her. "Nothing, he just told me what he wanted to do with me tonight..." Megan said while blushing.

Shera gets excited as she hears this. She grabs Megan and drags her into the building, as she wants to know everything Amon has planned for Megan.


Amon drives to the college and his arrival, as always, catches the attention of every student in the vicinity, especially the girls, as almost all of them have a crush on him.

He parks his car right next to Caroline's car and makes his way towards the principal's office as he has a plan to conquer that uptight bitch Caroline and he is going to use the principal to make his very first move.

The walk toward the principal's office is the same as ever. Every student just moves out of his way to let him walk past as they stare at him. The girls especially take their time to admire him and his physic.

Even the boys can't help but feel amazed by his presence.

Amon smiles at some students who smile and greet him as he makes his way toward the principal's office. He finally arrives in front of the principal's office and knocks on his door.

"Come in." The principal answers.

Amon opens the door and walks in. The old man who is going through something on his desk lifts his head and looks at his visitor. Seeing that it is Amon, he puts his work away and greets Amon with a smile.

"Mr. Amon, what can I do for you?" he asks with a big smile on his face.

"I have something I want you to do for me and you can have some fun while doing it," Amon says with a smile on his face.

"What is it?" the old man asks curiously.

"Here, look at this," Amon hands over a drive to the principal. The old man takes the drive and checks its contents and finds something he never expected to see. This drive is filled with teacher Caroline's shady dealings with students' reports and how she has been taking money from both students and their parents to alter their exam results.

This is a huge deal, as this is a corruption case waiting to happen if this information falls into someone else's hands.

"This..." the old man looks at the content of this drive with wide eyes. He never expected Caroline to be exploiting students and their parents for their money in exchange for altering their exam results.

"Yes, they are real. Little Miss Caroline has been doing shady business inside the college," Amon said with a smug smile.

"What do you want me to do with this?" the old man asks.

"Nothing much. Call Caroline, show this to her, and take advantage of her however you like. Of course, there are boundaries. No sex of any kind, vaginal, anal, or oral, other than that you are free to do whatever you want with her.

I hope you know how to take advantage of that information, right?" Amon asks.

The old principal grins as he hears this and nods his head. "Hehehe, don't worry, I will take full advantage of this opportunity," he says while unable to hide his smile.

"Hahaha, good, just make sure to follow the rules I have set," Amon says and walks out of the principal's office and makes his way toward his office leaving behind a very happy, horny old man.

Amon enters his office and sees Caroline already at her desk preparing for today's schedule. Little does she know that her fate has been sealed as of today.

She lifts her head up and looks at Amon and greets him with a nod. Amon nods back with a smile and takes his seat as well.

"You must be busy today, huh?" Amon asks. Caroline turns her head and looks at Amon. "Why do you think so?" She asks.

"Well, I have never seen you so engrossed in whatever you are doing this early in the morning," Amon says.

"You are right, the exams are close by and I need to quickly cover the syllabus before it," Caroline replies and goes back to work.

Amon just smirks looking at her and closes his eyes to relax. With five minutes to the very first bell, Caroline walks out of the class in a hurry while Amon checks her out.

Her tight pencil skirt is not really doing a good job to hide her perfect ass shape. Amon can't wait to squeeze and slap the shit out of them when she is finally in the grasp of his hands.

He also then leaves the office and heads to his own class and starts teaching them. By now, his students know that he is a very reliable teacher and his methods are very good.

Even the dull ones understand what he is teaching.

He also has a nice grasp on his students as well.

Emory is the teacher's pet, and she goes out of her way to impress him.

Skyla is the queen bee of the class and dates the captain of the rugby team. She is also very flirtatious and wouldn't mind doing something to get out of trouble.

There is also Violet, the silent, shy girl, but extremely beautiful. Amon paired her up with Emory to help her with getting comfortable with the classes. Violet doesn't speak much, but Amon has seen how she looks at him. She likes him and he wants to take advantage of this.

Right now, Amon is only interested in these three mainly, while he still has his eyes on some other girls who like to display their features to him to get his attention.

As he was teaching his class, he once again notices Skyla fooling around with her boyfriend, this time she is very much cautious as she is only fooling around with him when Amon has his back turned towards the class, little does she know that Amon knows everything that is going on inside his class.

He even knows about the bacteria that had just split into two on a particular surface of the wall, so how could he not know about Skyla's activities?

He had warned her not to do such things in his class, but she still went out of her way to do so. He needs to punish this little minx.

After an hour of teaching, the class was done, and the students were leaving one after the other.

"Miss Skyla, I want you in my office at 11 AM. I need to discuss something with you." before Skyla could leave, Amon spoke up. Skyla stops in her tracks and looks at Amon with confusion while her heart and mind are in turmoil.

She wonders if she got caught or if this is about something else. Seeing that Amon has no intention of telling her the reason, she just nods and leaves the room with her boyfriend.

"Did you think he caught us?" the boyfriend whispers. "I don't know. Let's hope he didn't. I was very careful this time," Skyla whispers back on their way out.

Amon watches them leave and thinks about how he should punish Skyla. As he was about to leave as well Emory and Violet approach him.

"Mr. Amon, we have some things we would like to clarify about," Emory spoke, being the more social of the two while Violet just nods her head.

Amon looks at them and thinks of something. "Is it important?" he asks. "No, it's nothing important, just some doubts that need to be cleared," Emory replies.

"Hmm, come to my office after lunch. I will look into it," Amon says and sends them away and returns to his office once again. On his way, he sees Caroline walking toward the principal's office, which puts a smile on his face.

His plan for Caroline is finally taking place, and he is going to enjoy every moment of it.